Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Amendments 4 and 5 of The United States Bill Of Rights protect the right to be free of unwarranted and unwanted government intrusion into one's personal and private affairs, papers, and possessions. Article 12 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. 

"Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."


President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) today, allowing indefinite detention to be codified into law. 

As you know, the White House had threatened to veto an earlier version of the NDAA but reversed course shortly before Congress voted on the final bill. While President Obama issued a signing statement saying he had “serious reservations” about the provisions, the statement only applies to how his administration would use it and would not affect how the law is interpreted by subsequent administrations. 


Under the Bush administration, similar claims of worldwide detention authority were used to hold even a U.S. citizen detained on U.S. soil in military custody, and many in Congress now assert that the NDAA should be used in the same way again. 

 The ACLU believes that any military detention of American citizens or others within the United States is unconstitutional and illegal, including under the NDAA. 

 In addition, the breadth of the NDAA’s detention authority violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war. 

 So after spending months threatening to veto the Levin/McCain detention bill instead signed it into law (this is the same two faced individual, of course, who unequivocally vowed when seeking the Democratic nomination to support a filibuster of “any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecom[s],” only to turn around once he had the nomination secure and not only vote against such a filibuster, but to vote in favor of the underlying bill itself, so this is perfectly consistent with his past conduct). 

As a result, the final version of the Levin/McCain bill will be enshrined as law this week as part of the the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). we wrote about the primary provisions and implications of this bill below. 

 The ACLU said last night that the bill contains “harmful provisions that some legislators have said could authorize the U.S. military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians, including American citizens, anywhere in the world” and added: “if President Obama signs this bill, it will damage his legacy.” (not that he has a legacy) 

Human Rights Watch said that Obama’s decision “does enormous damage to the rule of law both in the US and abroad” and that “President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law.” 

Keep in mind, Obama is not a citizen and is not qualified according to our constitution to even be President. So he hates America and the constitution that protects us. 


* Stocking up on more than 7 days of food -- even though all Mormons are taught to stockpile food, and most Hawaiians store up on extra food) 


 They are NOT on your side. Don't think the police are out to protect you. They are not. 

They are simply hatchet men for the corrupt criminal court system. Yes, I'm calling the US court system criminal! If you get stopped for no good reason and the officer asks "where you are going" or "where are you coming from" 

 Tell him, It is not relevant. 

 Tell him "If I've done something wrong, site me, if not I would like my license back and I'll be on my way. 

Then ask him for his card and file a formal complaint (you can find a form on the internet in each area the police have jurisdiction) with his chief of police and the attorney general in your state for stopping you without probable cause. 

Sobriety check points are illegal too and if you get stopped for just being on the street, file a complaint with the attorney general there too. 

 Remember, you don't answer to the police, they answer to you! You pay their salary! Don't put up with their intimidation tactics.

20 Things You Should Know About the Bill That Could Ruin America:

 Portions of the below article are from Lauri Apple

 -- 20 Things You Should Know About the Bill That Could Ruin America.

 Last week the U.S. Senate passed 93-7 a version of the National Defense Authorization Act that includes provisions giving the military the right to detain you forever and without charge if they think you're some kind of terrorist. 

President Barack Obama can get rid of the Act's indefinite detention provisions by using his veto powers. He says he might do just that, so there is hope. But he could also change his mind at the last minute and let the language become law. 

But remember, Obama is nothing more than a spineless illuminati puppet and he, like all Presidents take pride in lying. Civil libertarians from all sides of the political spectrum are very anxious about the final call he'll make. In the end, he'll do what he Central banks tell him to do. 

Even though you can't do much to prevent the provisions from taking effect (other than getting the word out), here's a list of 20 details about them. 

1. The provisions were passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)—enacted for the last 48 years or so to provide funding for the military and all our wars. (The act for fiscal year 2012 awarded $662 billion for defense spending.) Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Carl Levin (D-MI) took the lead in promoting them, making passage a bipartisan effort/failure. h1. 

2. Initially the provisions passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without a single hearing. Apparently, the Senate didn't want to spoil the surprise for everybody.

3. Because of the provisions, the NDAA now says the military can detain anyone deemed to be "a part of" or deemed to have "substantially supported" Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or "associated forces." You can be on the battlefield, or you can be PayPaling money to your local terrorist cell while sipping your latte at a Starbucks—doesn't matter. Even though we "allegedly" captured Saddam, Osama, and Anwar al-Awlaki, these powers are still necessary. Don't question. By the way, those captures are all fictitious events. 

4. The bill grants power to the military to arrest U.S. citizens on American soil and detain them in military prisons forever without offering them the right to legal counsel or even a trial. 

This isn't a totally new thing: "dirty bomb" plotter Jose Padilla spent three-and-a-half years as an "enemy combatant" until he was finally charged. But Padilla's detention was unusual and sparked a huge outcry; the new provisions would standardize his treatment and enable us all to become Jose Padillas. 

5. Some people are trying to say that language regarding indefinite detention (Section 1031) doesn't apply to American citizens, but it does. 

However, the mandatory detention requirement (Section 1032) includes an exemption for American citizens, which means the military doesn't have to imprison you forever and ever "unless ordered to do so" by the president.

6. The provisions could last as long as the prisoner lasts. We covered this earlier.

7. Supposedly, many important people oppose the provisions, including FBI Director Robert Mueller, the CIA, the military, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the head of the Justice Department's National Security Division, the Director of National Intelligence. In reality, these people don't oppose the bill....it's just a ploy to make you think most of the government is on your side....they aren't.

8. A group of 26 retired generals and admirals wrote a letter to the Senate saying the provisions "reduce the options available to our Commander in Chief to incapacitate terrorists," and will "do more harm than good." The Senate obviously ignored them. 

9. According to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who opposes indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, an American can be deemed a "terrorist" after just one hearing. Finally, the government promises to work efficiently on something. What deems people "terrorists", well, owning a gun can get you on the list and so can storing food that will last you for more than 7 days as well as having an internet site like this one that tells you the truth.

10. Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) tried to kill the provision on indefinite detention with an amendment that required Congressional review of these brand new military detention powers, but his effort failed 60 votes to 38. 

 11. All the Republican senators supported the provisions except for Paul and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL).  

12. Former Vice President dirtbag Dick Cheney was in attendance for the vote on behalf of the waterboarding lobby. 

13. Allegedly, none of this stuff will ever affect people who are innocent of terrorism-related crimes, unless the government wrongly accuses them. 

14. As pointed out by Salon columnist Glenn Greenwald, the provision dispenses with Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution, which provides that nobody can be punished for treason without heightened due process requirements being met." Goodbye, Art. 3 Sec. 3! Send our regards to the 4th, 8th, and 14th Amendments. 

15. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), one of the provisions' most vocal supporters, put it this way to the New York Times: "Citizens who are suspected of joining Al Qaeda are opening themselves up 'to imprisonment and death 

And when they say, "I want my lawyer," you tell them: "Shut up. You don't get a lawyer. You are an enemy combatant, and we are going to talk to you about why you joined Al Qaeda." 

16. Some of the senators who passed this crap don't really know what they are talking about when they talk about "enemy combatants" and their status under existing law. They have also yet to define "enemy combatant" and what that includes or excludes. 

17. President Barack Obama has stated he'll veto the provisions because they would "raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets." We've seen him say one thing and do the opposite on dozens of occasions.

18. The provisions will militarize America even further and—in Graham's words—"basically say[s] in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield." Your backyard is a microcosm of the war on terror. Just think of that every time you host a barbecue. 

19. Just what does "terrorism" mean? It's a broad term that could mean anything from bombing a building to speaking out against a corrupt government. 

20. "Terrorism" isn't really even a word. It's like saying people who perpetuate fear are participating is "Fearism" and are "Fearists" 

More bad news. Really, none of this indefinite detention without a lawyer stuff changes the status quo that much. It only codifies what's already been happening in the U.S. for the past few years. 

So you've been living under these conditions for a while now without knowing it, but look—you're still not in jail. Just be more careful about what sorts of opinions on the government you post on Twitter, and don't say anything bad about the US government and you'll be fine. FEMA, with a black budget allegedly provided by the Department of Defense, has worked closely with the Pentagon in an effort to avoid the legal restrictions of Posse Comitatus. 

While FEMA may not have been directly responsible for these precedent- setting cases, the principle of federal control was seen during the Los Angeles riots in 1992 with the federalization of the National Guard and during the siege at Waco, where Army tanks were involved in the final conflagration. 


 The deputy attorney general of California commented at a conference that anyone who attacks the state, even verbally, becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. Louis Guiffreda, who was head of FEMA, stated that "legitimate violence is integral to our form of government, for it is from this source that we can continue to purge our weaknesses." 

It is significant to note that the dictionary definition of terrorism, "the calculated use of violence" corresponds precisely to the government's stated policy of "the use of legitimate violence." Hold on, a reasonable person who can read might ask: 

Who are the real terrorists? Guiffreda's remark provides a revealing insight into the thinking of those who have been charged with oversight of the welfare of the citizens in this country. Apparently, if one's convictions or philosophy do not correspond with the government's agenda, that individual may find himself on a government enemy list thereby making him/her a "target" to be "purged" by the use of "legitimate violence." 

The stories of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence are the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. 

They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had good lives, which included security, but they valued liberty more. 

Despite the comfort of their life style they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Honor ... honor is not and should not be an anachronism. Sadly, it is a principle and concept fading into obscurity. 

History books don't tell us much of what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn't just fight the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! No wonder our founding fathers had a hatred for standing armies, and allowed, through the second amendment, for everyone to be armed. 

Philosopher George Santayana once noted, "He who does not learn from history" (Russia, Germany, Czechoslovakia, China, et al.) "is destined to repeat it."

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