Before we get started, we want to show you why television is so important in controlling people's minds, emotions and actions.
When the popular sitcom "Gilligan's Island" aired back in the 60's, people were actually contacting government agencies to rescue the people stranded on the Island. The same thing held true in the 80's when the TV show "Dallas" came out. People hassled Larry Hagman who played the villain J.R. Ewing in public because they really thought he was in fact J.R. Ewing.
In Bill Cosby's case, people are more likely to believe he is "Cliff Huxtable" than believe in a violent and evil rapist which is what he really is.
Television has the unique capacity to lower people's critical thinking and heighten their suggestibility to the point where they are in a hypnotic state and will believe almost anything.
Most people don't go into that "beta" state to where they believe most TV shows are real, although it happens more than you would think, but that's why so many people are fooled by these fake and phony school, church, supermarket shootings etc, and why they believe these slimy politicians who are in reality are on the same side but seem to support these evil people no matter what.
By the way, all presidential elections are scripted as well, but just because people see them on their television, they assume it is all real and happening in real time. Even Sherwood Schwartz (The creator of Gilligan's Island) is amazed by it and says "this happens in no other medium beside TV."
So why was Bill Cosby released today? It's very simple. Bill Cosby is an adopted member of the controlling families. They knew he was a sexual predator for the best part of 50 Years. Somewhere along the line, he pissed off the wrong people.
As a result, they blackmailed him, and sent him to prison. Sometime during his stay in prison, he made amends with the people that controlled him and as a result, he was let go. As sick as this is, this is the way the world really works. Bill Cosby has been a very dangerous soul-less creature of CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH for quite sometime. He had been a CIA tool (I [Bill Cosby] Spy), and mind control facilitator, handler and programmer for decades.
He plays a very small but significant supporting role and part among the CIA-Military Industrial Complex’s long list of cast of characters. The below article was written before Cosby's release from prison. It still holds relevant today as to why he was suddenly ultimately set free.
The role of the CIA and Hugh Hefner in MONARCH Sex Kitten programming is they continue to celebrate Hefner’s commercialized mass industry of normalizing trauma based ritual sexual abuse and mind control of women. It’s another example of mass population psychological warfare. Many of Bill Cosby's victims were Playboy bunnies.
The All-Seeing Eye on Poitier and Cosby’s Masonic fez is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic magicians, and some mind control programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. SATAN is said to come from Draco or Sirius, esp. the Dog Star Canis Major.
Masonic Programming may well have the “blazing star” portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius represents the Master and the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in MASONIC PHILOSOPHY.
Above is Cosby’s "Lets Do it Again" that shows without a shadow of a doubt that he was aware before 1975 of the use of HYPNOTISM within the framework of Satanic and Masonic Mysticism. Cosby is a member of the Black Nobility Freemasonic order.
William Henry Cosby, Jr. is a clandestine/covert BLOOD OATH SECRET high level MASTER MASON, and a BLOOD OATH SECRET hierarchical member of the Negro section of the ancient BOULE that serves the underground THIRD REICH and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Cult of the Dark Messiah, the SHADOW power behind the throne.
Cosby is a Master of Deception of ILLUSIONS and DUALITY.
Hours after Bill Cosby’s first arrest warrant was issued, in connection to allegations from one of the nearly 60 women who have accused him of drugging and/or sexually assaulting them, the comedian was arraigned in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday.
The 78-year-old sitcom star faces charges of allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple basketball player and employee Andrea Constand at his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, home in 2004. Cosby arrived to his arraignment wearing a black-and-white sweater and walking with a cane. NBC reports that the comedian “stumbled slightly after exiting an SUV and had to be held up by two people,” adding that “he made no comment as he entered and later exited the building.”
People reports that the comedian “seemed disoriented and was fidgeting with his fingers,” during the appearance in the suburban courtroom, where his bail was set at $1 million and his passport was revoked. Cosby’s wife of more than 50 years, Camille, who released a statement in support of her husband last December, did not accompany her husband on Wednesday.
So what's REALLY going on here?
**Some excerpts from Commonsenseconspiracy**
By now, you would have to be living under a really soundproof rock to not have heard about the stunning allegations about Bill Cosby, formerly beloved American comedian and actor. Due to all of the attention being paid to Bill here of late, we have had several of our readers ask for information about Bill Cosby’s possible Illuminati involvement.
Many want to know if Bill was ever involved with the Illuminati and if he has had some sort of falling out with them that has caused them to ruin what was once a untarnished reputation. The answer is YES!
The current situation with Cosby is strikingly similar to the FBI’s attempt to silence Martin Luther King, Jr. by threatening to make public his kinky trysts with whores and married women. By the way, Martin Luther King Jr. was by no means who he was presented to be to the public either. King was notorious for using foul language and participating in sex orgies.
Jackie Kennedy referred to him in her journals as a "terrible person." But that's another story for another time.
Personally, I believe that Cosby was putting his mouth where the illuminati don’t want it to be. There is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT BILL COSBY IS GUILTY OF THESE CRIMES!
But, the real question is...the power elite have known about this for a long time. Why is it coming out now? For what reason? For years he has been coming down on the ghetto kids for not taking responsibility for their status, and/or, not waking up to see who is REALLY oppressing them.
They are being used. It’s called social engineering. It’s been happening since the beginning of time. ALL THESE ALLEGATIONS POURING IN ON BILL COSBY AT THE SAME TIME IS BY DESIGN.
This entire situation has been created by the Illuminists for this to come out now…otherwise, it would have all come out in the wash a long time ago.They would have been aware of his perversions.
That's not to say Cosby isn't guilty. All this means is that if he keeps his mouth shut and not speak out against the wrong people, they will keep his perversions a secret.
However, if he keeps talking about the wrong things his secret will be revealed. It's a classic case of BLACKMAIL! It's almost impossible to know what he said and who he pissed off, but we know that is exactly what has happened.
While we don't know exactly everyone Cosby pissed off, but you can bet, it's someone behind the scenes who has lots of influence and control.
I remember when Cosby's son was murdered a few years ago and thought to myself that it must of been some kind of warning to Cosby.
He definitely goes against the grain of the ghetto culture within the black community. TPTB (The Powers That Be), obviously want to use the ghetto culture for their own objective means so Cosby must have been targeted.
Cosby's son was not the target of a "botched carjacking" like reported. It was most likely some kind of blood sacrifice that you see so many times with these elite illuminati groups.
Well, we can’t give you any full answer on this. What we will point out is that these allegations are nothing new and have actually been around for decades.
Let's listen to Kanye West talk about Hollywood "sacrifices" and that includes Cosby:
Of course, others could bend that to prove that Bill has been at odds with the Illuminati for decades as well, and they have never stopped trying to ruin him for not doing their bidding.
What do you think? Would the Illuminati miss out on a wholesome family show like the Cosby Show as a massive means of influence? Did Bill really make a hand sign showing that he is standing down in a recent interview?
The most loved dad of the eighties feels the wrath of the illuminati. How can this be, Bill Cosby accused of being a serial rapist?
This is an attempt of the powers that be to bring down one of their own for doing and or saying the wrong things to the wrong people. In a recent interview with Bill Cosby he didn't address the rape allegations, but did give good reason to speculate that the recent allegations brought against him, is a conspiracy being collaborated by the illuminati and several disgruntled past flings.
Bill Cosby is quoted as saying this in some unsubstantiated reports," This is the work of the illuminati and a couple of bitter cunts!"
h1. Many people were shocked and horrified by the recent allegations of sexual assaults against one of America’s "perceived" most beloved dads, Bill Cosby.
Is it possible Bill pissed off the wrong person of the Elite and they are now discrediting him and throwing him under the proverbial bus? In recent events, we’ve seen other stars who spoke out against certain people of power and they ended up dead, under questionable circumstances.
Is Bill Next?
It has been well-documented for many decades that Cosby was a close friend of Hugh Hefner and frequented his mansion, attending his “nude” parties.
There are other accounts of young celebrities who had been invited to Hefner’s place and testified that there was nudity and exploitation by famous stars of these young people, who have alleged that they were served alcohol, drugs and were manipulated into sexual acts by those famous and older men.
Some commentary below from Mindcontolledblackassassins.
One of Bill Cosby’s best friends had been Sinatra’s friend, Sammy Davis, Jr., America’s Greatest Black Entertainer. Cosby had been his friend or secret handler. The late legendary Hollywood actor and singer, Sammy Davis, Jr. (1925-1990), had been a confirmed Satanist and a member of Anton Salazar LeVay’s Church of Satan.
LeVay had been part of Sinatra’s inner circle of Hollywood Luciferians. LeVay was Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby technical adviser and starred along side Sinatra’s wife, Mia Farrow, as LUCIFER.
Davis had been invited to accept an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.
After Davis sent Aquino his acceptance on March 17, 1973, he was presented with the honorary membership on April 13, 1973 by Aquino and Karla LaVey, daughter of Anton LeVay.
The fact that Army Lt. Col. Aquino officially lured Davis into the Church of Satan is significant. “Aquino, alleged to have recently retired from an active military role, was long the leader of an Army psychological warfare section which drew on his expertise and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homosexual pedophilia and murder.”
But that is really the crucial difference between DID (dissociative identity disorder) and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), a strong Black traditional Christian background will battle and constantly conflict with DID satanic alter personalities throughout the life of the victim, while MPD alter personalities can be altogether completely separate, independent and distinct (persons) personalities. For more information on MK-ULTRA mind control, read this article:
Most people have come to associate Bill Cosby with intellect, civil responsibility, clean old fashion humor, and child like affection. Cosby is a world renowned comedian, actor, author, television producer, educator, musician, humanitarian, and activist.
Cosby is a living legend, trailbrazer in Black Entertainment, multiple Emmy and Grammy winner. He has been awarded numerous honorary degrees from Yale University to Sisseton Wahpeton College on the Lake Traverse Reservation in South Dakota..
On October 27, 2009, Cosby was presented with the 12th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. In a British 2005 poll to find The Comedian’s Comedian, he was voted among the top 50 comedy acts ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders.
He received Kennedy Center Honors in 1998. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 for his contributions to television. He won the 2003 Bob Hope Humanitarian Award.
Bill Cosby that you have become accustomed to is an illusion. There is another secret side of Cosby, William Henry Cosby, Jr., that you won’t like.
MK ULTRA & Jell-O Man, Don’t Let Him Near Your Daughters!
Bill Cosby, the Jell-O man, was enlisted as a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy from 1956 to 1961 during Operation Paperclip and CIA/MK ULTRA. He had been assigned to extremely sensitive and secret notorious Operation Paperclip, CIA/ARTICHOKE-MK ULTRA-MONARCH and U.S. Biological/Genetic warfare sites, among others, the Naval Medical Center Bethesda in Maryland, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, U.S. Naval bases in Newfoundland and Argentina.
Needless to say, Argentina under the influence of totalitarian and fascist Juan and Eva Peron was a safe haven for the CIA Operation PAPERCLIP’s most notorious war criminal Nazis and SS like Hauptsturmfuhrers SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Demon of Death and Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon.
In 1951, Erich Traub, Heinrich Himmler’s biological warfare expert, was secretly harbored at U.S. Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.
Alfred Hellman was also working out of the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda developing and experimenting with (Traub)`biological warfare oncogenic (AIDS) viruses for the Navy.
From 1951, the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda had also been the site of the CIA’s Project Bluebird-Artichoke Assassination programs, former Korean War POWs were subjected to various behavioral modification programs, including the use of experimental drugs, special interrogation methods; and hypnotism all for what the CIA deemed “offensive objectives.”
From 1953, the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda had additional been the site of the secret CIA/MK ULTRA mind control programs using mind controlling drugs on servicemen, and programming mind controlled slaves for Project MONARCH.
Reportedly, Cosby worked with an extremely sensitive class of soldiers that had been involved in the Korean Conflict (1950-53), which may have involved Korean/Chinese Brainwashing Techniques, CIA Projects Bluebird-Artichoke, and Frank Sinatra’s type of Manchurian Candidates.
Whatever Cosby learned from the U.S. Navy and MK ULTRA, he applied unmercifully for whatever covert purposes in the mega movie-television industry.
The Jell-O man is accused of being a hush-hush psycho-narco mind bender and serial rapist.
From 2004 to 2006, at least 13 women have come forward to accuse Jell-O man of covert narco drugging and sexual assault.
These women are said to currently reside in California, New Mexico, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Ohio, and Arizona. Of nine “Jane Doe witnesses,”scheduled to testify against Jell-O man in a civil sexual assault case, six were represented by Pennsylvania lawyer Joyce Dale, executive director of Delaware County Women Against Rape.
Two other women, according to civil filing, are believed to be seeking to retain counsel to pursue civil claims against Jell-O man. In addition to the other women claims, civil lawyers also sought New York police and prosecution records relating to a 2000 abuse claim reportedly lodged against Jell-O man by a “Cosby Show” cast member named Lachele Covington.
Cosby has denied all abuse allegations, none of which have resulted in criminal charges of rich, powerful and famous Luciferians with the power of the Empire State of Mind.
What other thing does Anton LeVay, Sammy Davis, Jr., Bill Cosby and Robert De Niro all have in common? They all have played the Devil or Lucifer in major Hollywood television and film productions.
Jay Z has been anointed head of a Hip Hop Satanic Coven and a Black female sex slave handler by a circle of hidden and powerful international Luciferians linked to the Nazis, Wall Street, Mafia, and CIA. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Bill Cosby and Robert De Niro are some of the secret Hollywood links to the greater circle.
I suspect that during the 1980s, Alicia Keys had been recruited in her impressionable years before or at the age of four (4) years old through a relative or agent for CIA/MK ULTRA trauma based programming during her casting for The Cosby Show.
From the lesson of Lisa Bonet, Bill Cosby had been using The Cosby Show as a mind bending sex slave programming site.
LUCIFER Bill Cosby in Walt Disney's 1981 "The Devil and Matt Devlin" testing the waters for a LUCIFERIAN BIG SWITCH and AGENDA.
Additionally, as early as 1981, Bill Cosby was staring in and associated with Walt Disney productions, and as late as 1993, he had been raising money for Walt Disney charities.
Reportedly, Walt Disney worked closely with the FBI and CIA to PROCURE CHILDREN for mind-control programming purposes.
Late NASA astronaut LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. was involved in a clandestine MK ULTRA space kids program secretly turning children into military intelligence tools through among other things, hypnotism, trauma and ELF (extremely low frequencies) brain entertainment for NASA, CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Cooper worked for Walter Disney & Associates.
After making controversial statements about Gangstra Rap, Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton and becoming a future advocate for Black Nationalist ideologies in 2008, the CIA called in Alicia Keys cards and triggered some of her multiple personality alters.
One or more were satanic implants. The satanic implant alters were assigned to Jay Z’s Black Hollywood Satanic Coven for CIA cover in a plot to control the Hip Hop music industry; and as an experiment to test the waters; and lure the HIP HOP generation into the New World Order with LUCIFER as god to create what Hitler envisioned as “Modern Day Slaves.”
The Luciferians may very well been in secret control of Alicia Key’s remarkable musical background and career since the 1985 The Cosby Show just like the career and development of sleeper agent EVELYN SALT.
Again, my hope and prayers is with Alicia Keys and thousands of innocent children godlessly mentally traumatized and sexually abused to turn them into an army of godless zombies for the military intelligence complex.
There has been a lot of news in the media recently about the rape allegations against Bill Cosby – in many cases seemingly out of nowhere. It is odd, after years and all statutes of limitations have expired that women from across the board have come forward to claim foul against Cosby.
We, the people, have been handed cultural, political and religious belief systems designed to be used to great advantage by these generational Satanists and lying collectives.
These elite systems promote dissension, division, hatred, bigotry and war. According to the ruling powers, people are objects that need to be controlled. Therefore, we have men and women in high places that are soulless and beyond the reach of normal reasoning processes.
We have an ancient enemy with a large collection of demonic assistants. It's the same theme we see over and over again. Famous people used by satan and his demonic forces to bring about the New World Order. Bill Cosby is just another puppet used by the power elite for that purpose and if he strays from that program, they will destroy him.
It looks as though this has already happened.
By Joe Monoco
If you don't get it, here's why:
1 Corinthians 2:14: But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.