Music has always been the key unlocking barriers to the subconscious mind by putting the conscious mind to sleep. This is why whenever they want to sell us something (implant in our subconscious) MUSIC is used — a jingle. While your rocking to the beat, drooling over the sexual imagery, all kinds of demonic messaging is implanted in our subconscious minds…
Have you ever wondered why singers, dancers, actors/actresses and athletes need triple-layered Secret Service level security details w/armor plated vehicles? As couriers of coded Intel, they function as the communication system (human carrier pigeons) for so-called “national security apparatus.
Yes, while we’ve been programmed to use their technology; phones, faxes, emails, texts and have our personal communication corralled (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube etc.) these Satanic Bloodlines under demoniac influence, using their army of sycophants created an army of human robots, via horrific ritual torture of children to serve as their communication system, and data storage units.
This unisex army comprises all ages and ethnicities. Predictably arrogance blinds them to the fact that these “human robots” have photographic memories and can recall in minute detail every conversation, command, sexual act they’ve performed.
Although short term memories are erased via daily electroshock, MEMORIES DO RETURN. These human recording devices can literally walk into any courtroom in the land and “press play”– Stunning idiocy!
This is why Monarch Slaves MUST be guarded 24/7…
Greta Thunberg pushing the same agenda: WHAT ARE GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES?
After checking out of Eric Clapton's Crossroads Centre (named after Robert Johnson's deal with the devil) Britney Spears walked into Esther's Hair Salon and said, "I want my hair shaved off." "While I was talking to her body guard," hair-stylist, Esther Tognozzi said, "she grabbed the buzzer and started buzzing her own hair off.
Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person think they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage.
THE NATURE OF EVIL: Barbara Hartwell November 27, 2006 posted by Barbara Hartwell at Thursday, September 18, 2008.
I have heard many people say they do not "believe" in evil. Or, some claim, that in the universe, good and evil must be "balanced".
Some believe that we "create our own reality", which is neither "good" nor "evil", but only serves to teach us "lessons." They don't believe there are any victims, nor any perpetrators of evil.
No, they actually BLAME THE VICTIMS for any and all evil that is done to them. -- They claim we are "responsible" for all that befalls us....after all, they smugly opine, it was only a "life lesson" we needed to learn. They say we must "take responsibility" for every event in our lives, as it is just part and parcel of our "spiritual evolution".
What's more, we must also have "compassion" for those who treat us wrongfully, no matter how heinous the abuse; we must try to "understand" them...after all, they are our "teachers".
Try selling this crock of perfumed hogswill to the victims of the wreckers, the survivors of family members murdered by the wreckers.
Such utter foolishness is mind boggling; pathological idiocy in its worst form. And tragically, this false belief system has taken hold among millions of people, most notably those in the New Age movement, a toxic amalgam of fascism, communism, globalist collectivism and what I would call Mickey Mouse Metaphysics.
It has been designed to lead the populace away from individual critical thinking, as well as to stamp out genuine spirit-filled intuition; and ultimately, to sever an individual's personal relationship with the Creator, whence all gifts of the spirit emanate.
Refusing to believe in the existence of evil, it follows that they do not believe certain individuals to be inherently evil, nor the collectives comprised of these individuals, whose sole intent is to do evil.
The deniers of evil, who obviously lack any form of spiritual or intellectual discernment, will thereby claim that the lowest and most despicable of traits, as well as the highest forms of saintliness and goodness, coexist in each and every individual.
That we are ALL "capable" of either extreme.
What they are really saying is that we are all capable of "evil", though they still, in their self-contradictory mindset, deny its existence.
They claim that we are all the same, as if we come into the world straight out of some cookie-cutter mold. How very, very wrong they are. How very, very foolish.
How completely have their minds been co-opted.
Those of us who have directly perceived the forces of evil, who have apprehended evil in its various forms, including as incarnated in the flesh; who have faced it down and stood our ground against it, know beyond any shadow of doubt that evil is a reality, to be ignored, discounted or denied, always at one's own peril.
In such a way does society, the individuals who comprise it, become innured to evil.
By all means, let's roll out the red carpet for evildoers! "Nurture over nature" proponents (some of whom call themselves "scientists" or "psychologists") ; or those who see each human being as a "tabula rasa" (blank slate) fail to comprehend the most basic truth:
That evildoers are entirely lacking in humanity, that in effect, they have no souls.
Or, that what "souls" they may have are artificial and do not belong to God. Or, that they have sold their souls in the pursuit of material/flesh/ego-gratification, in the lust for power to be wielded over all God's creation; in their grotesque vanity, to attempt to usurp the very power of God. --
As for those who do not recognize evil for what it is, they are doomed to be used by evildoers, who feed on their confusion; their naivete; and their character flaws, exacerbated by indoctrination, and their profound ignorance.
And until such time (if ever) that they learn to recognize evil, they cannot be delivered from that which they refuse to acknowledge. It is really all that simple, and yet, far too many of these brainwashed individuals fail to see this simple truth and thus fall prey to the machinations of evildoers.
Perhaps I could compare them to lost souls, dejectedly wandering through a seemingly endless dark tunnel. When finally, they glimpse "a light at the end of the tunnel", they believe they have found their way out, that deliverance is near.
Then, in shock and horror, they hear the roar of the approaching train, bearing down on them, its blinding headlights the last thing they will ever see.
Even false light travels faster than sound. Evil can only win through deception, through engendering false perception, false lights.
In conjunction with deception, evil always involves aggression, intrusion, invasion, exploitation and predation, in various forms.
Evil does not respect, nor even acknowledge, the spiritual integrity and personal boundaries of others: the Inviolability of Personhood. --
Evil does not respect the sanctity of an individual life, nor the natural rights and liberties bestowed upon that life by God. -- Evil is entirely devoid of compassion, empathy, mercy and conscience.
Evil is a voracious black hole whose vortex subsumes all ambient light and consumes the lives, the hopes and dreams of innocents.
Psychopathology is inherent in the nature of evil, at least in human terms. Those who do evil may be narcissists, sociopaths, callous opportunists. Call them what you will, are evildoers are criminally insane or is it in their very DNA?
Just know that their abiding creed is to USE, to CONSUME, the more the better; and yet their hunger is inexhaustible, as their negatively-inflated egos can never, ever get enough. They are psychic vampires who feed off the etheric/spiritual energies of their victims.
They are "social engineers" who get by in the world with oily charm and "situational ethics". Having no conscience, the very idea of moral absolutes is beyond their ken. They are liars, thieves, poseurs, mountebanks, merchants of false hope.
The virtues of compassion, mercy, charity, spiritual love and selfless service to others are seen only as weaknesses, weaknesses they can exploit, and which ultimately may become fatal "weaknesses" in their targets and victims.
Lacking all love, light and truth, the evildoers seek to destroy these virtues wherever they may find them, as means and opportunity permit. In their ceaseless aggression, these diabolical predators intrude, invade, stalk, harass and persecute; they rape, they loot and plunder, all the while bearing false witness against their quarry, often accusing them of the very crimes of which they themselves are guilty as sin.
**Barbara Hartwell November 27, 2006 posted by Barbara Hartwell at Thursday, September 18, 2008**
Sometimes referred to as the "Satanic Law of Reversal" Satan’s End Game is to create a world where everything is and will be the exact opposite of what the Creator intended it to be.
We can see this all around us with the fake clouds in the sky made out of chemicals sprayed out of planes, tricking the people to think there is a mandate to get mRNA injections that can modify their DNA God Code with ingredients called Luciferase, modifying peoples hormones with things like BPA in food wrapping, can liners and drink containers, GMO foods, psychologically manipulating people to have their genitals mutilated to try and become a different gender or to become both genders, etc., etc.
If you don't get it, here's why:
1 Corinthians 2:14: But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
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