Before we get started, we want to show you why television is so important in controlling people's minds, emotions and actions.
When the popular sitcom "Gilligan's Island" aired back in the 60's, people were actually contacting government agencies to rescue the people stranded on the Island.
The same thing held true in the 80's when the TV show "Dallas" came out. People hassled Larry Hagman who played the villain J.R. Ewing in public because they really thought he was in fact J.R. Ewing. In Bill Cosby's case, people are more likely to believe he is "Cliff Huxtable" than believe in a violent and evil rapist which is what he really is.
Television has the unique capacity to lower people's critical thinking and heighten their suggestibility to the point where they are in a hypnotic state and will believe almost anything.
Most people don't go into that "beta" state to where they believe most TV shows are real, although it happens more than you would think, but that's why so many people are fooled by these fake and phony school shootings, church shootings, supermarket shootings etc, and why they believe these slimy politicians who are in reality are on the same side but seem to support these evil people no matter what.
By the way, all presidential elections are scripted as well, but just because people see them on their television, they assume it is all real and happening in real time. Even Sherwood Schwartz (The creator of Gilligan's Island) is amazed by it and says "this happens in no other medium beside TV."
Houston, we have a problem. Alleged Parkland shooting witness David Hogg is caught in yet another lie. First he says he was in the school when the shooting started, now he says he was at home and got on his bike when he heard about the shooting.
So where were you David when the shooting started? At home or in the school?
Well here we go again. It seems like once a month we have to expose another Illuminati sponsored False Flag event. The latest is from Parkland, Florida where a gunman "allegedly" killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
You have got to be kidding me! "There's an active shooter" Who talks like that? "It's 2:52?" YEAH, I'd make a note of the exact time when death is stalking me, it's important to know just how much of that last day you have before you are murdered, huh?
Joe Monoco
Ever been on a movie set? The photo above in Orlando, Florida is exactly what a movie set looks like, with staged lightingI really like this post from one of our readers , Crystal in our comments section. This sheds additional light on this hoax.
I was thinking I'd check out the Pulse website and there is a comment from the owner, Sara Brady...when you google her it pops up with information on a Sarah Brady who is an advocate for gun control...hmmm
The Pulse Nightclub Shooting is a hoax which was a Drill Leading to Gun Confiscation
Posted on June 12, 2016
This must be getting old even to the Global Elite. The people and places are different, but the song remains the same. It looks like this latest shooting in Orlando is just another False Flag hoax aimed at further eroding the Constitution.
Are you clamoring for gun control yet? That's exactly the emotional response the Global Elite want from you after this latest fake, staged shooting in Florida.
This has all the hallmarks of being another "Drill." and psy op.
The shooting which "supposedly" took the lives of 50 people and injured 42 others took place at a LGBT club called "The Pulse."
Okay everybody!
Here is the smoking gun that this whole thing was a hoax.
It shows the "alleged" victims being carried off the wrong way....
NOT away from the club but back to it!
To start with, it has Illuminati numerology written all over it.
June 12 or 6/12/2016 = 6+1+2+2+0+1+6=18
6+6+6. 6+12 =18 or 6+6+6.
Another drill? Maybe. Mass shooting at a gay bar and there is a hostage situation.
I question the validity because as the shooter opened fire the restaurant the club took a moment to update their FB page telling everyone to “run and keep running."
because it makes perfect sense that if you are there in the club and shooting is happening you are going to be checking your Facebook.
Right? Then the cops “warned” (per CNN article) everyone to not call or email them and that all info would come via Twitter only.
(Twitter is prominent source of info in drills and exercises).
Then explosions were heard but the public was told these were planned detonations by the police. Sure sounds like a drill!
They say bloody people are being pulled out but it’s been 3 hours and not one photo or video of any of that happening, just a few of the first responders.
sabotuer 365
So Why Get The Gay and Lesbian crowd involved?
Well, it's quite simple, they are two groups of people that are above being criticized. For anyone who dares say anything negative about these groups, then be prepared to be labeled a "Nazi" or "Homophobe" or "Hater" or worse.
So now when the LGBT crowd gets into the mix and calls for gun control, then what politician is going to speak out against them? Remember, Obama was put into office to
1. Pass Obama Care.
2. To weaken an already weak 5th Amendment.
And finally to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Remember, no Dictator was ever successful when "The People" are armed.
Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
There should be no doubt that the alleged mass shooting in the Orlando gay night club is a classic false flag operation and government-coordinated psyop.
Not only does it have all the typical signatures of a purposely hole-ridden narrative, it has an extremely explicit purpose behind it.
All of the initial news accounts speak of a lone gunman who killed 50 people and sent scores to the hospital. Why do these ridiculous false flags ALWAYS begin with a lone gunman?
These G-men co-conspirators just can’t seem to shake their Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) inspired Lone Patsy Syndrome.
A close reading of the multitude of press reports clearly indicates gross inconsistencies and impossible facts that have rendered the official account from Orlando law enforcement completely implausible, as well as impossible.
There are so many details which make no sense that the fix is quite obvious. The following link contains a series of those various and sometimes conflicting media reports.
This tragic incident has several hallmarks of being a false flag attack; the shooter being a young Muslim, the FBI ‘checking’ to see if he has links with extremists, the shooter already dead and unable to answer any questions.
It’s all too familiar. The fact it was a gay club may also be significant, given the current hoo-hah in the US political arena over LGBT issues.
And again, more "staged" photos:
I wonder why there is always abundant bottled water at all these "alleged" crime scenes?
Kind of the same thing we see on movie sets. Plus check out Illuminati symbolic tattoos.
Since the initial reports, the shooter has been identified as US citizen Omar Mateen from Florida.
(CBS-) The suspect behind the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, which left dozens dead and injured, has been identified as Omar Mateen, the CBS network reported, citing sources.
The channel added that the FBI is currently checking if he was linked to extremists.
You have go to be kidding me!
Can't these actors and producers ever stage something we haven't seen before? Nice selfie in the bathroom!
So, Here's what they want you to believe:
The Orlando Nightclub Attack.
After a seven month gap the cookie cutter psyops have resumed in the United States with another brazen and obvious psyop in Orlando Florida.
San Bernardino police chief Jaryd Burguan put it best during his press briefing following the San Bernadino psyop of last December.
Despite having only hours earlier presided over a “bloody massacre” of some of the most vulnerable and one of the most violent incidents in the modern history of Los Angeles, Burguan described the event as “pretty generic.”
We are told that a gunman entered the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando at around 2am on June 12th and opened fire indiscriminately and that 50 people are dead and 63 wounded, a remarkable toll.
We are told that the gunman fired INTO THE CEILING and into the crowd who it is claimed numbered around 100.
We are told that the gunman was armed with a hand gun and a semi-automatic weapon and had a bomb strapped to his body that was not detonated.
“One witness told Sky News there had been more than 100 people inside the venue for the club’s Latin night when the gunman entered the building and began firing into the ceiling and into the crowd.” (Source)
We are told that nine police shot the apparent terrorist to death.
The Facebook post.
We are told that the staff at Pulse nightclub posted on their Facebook page that people should evacuate the club after the shooting began.
This from the Guardian.
“Staff at the venue posted on Facebook: “Everyone get out of pulse and keep running” and there were quickly reports on social media of an ongoing attack.”
So it is a small venue, a maniac has opened fire with a semi automatic weapon and the dedicated ever helpful staff are thoughtful enough to take the time out to post a message on Facebook advising patrons to leave the venue as if they would not have noticed the incident taking place before them.
Because almost everyone uses social media, the half -bright buffoons who design these events believe that twitter and facebook are the ideal platforms through which to bring an aura of verisimilitude to their pathetic work of fiction.
How obvious do they need to make it? Sheesh! The American public will believe anything!
A correspondent from the WFTV channel said Mateen was 27 years old and was from Port St. Lucie in Florida, nearly 150km from Orlando.
According to reports on social media, he was born to Afghan parents.
Quite frankly, this is almost certainly an event designed to provoke further anti-Islamic feeling in the US and judging by the sort of stupid, ill-informed and hate-filled commentary that is already appearing on various websites reporting on this story, it is an easy sell.
This comment, the byline to an article on the shooting is sadly typical of the nonsense flooding the interwebs:
His level of preparation indicates an intention to demonstrate his profound devotion to Allah during Ramadan.
Since when was Ramadan about killing people?
How is committing murder showing devotion to Allah?
This is just ludicrous nonsense written by someone who is either completely ignorant of Islam or is willfully telling nefarious lies in order to demonize Islam.
Remember why the New World Order wants to turn World opinion against Muslim nations is because they are "Non Conforming Nations" meaning that they don't want to be part of the one world government.
This whole process of official obfuscation is critical to the very nature of a false flag operation. The many seeds of doubt that are sown by the MSM set up the whole nation so that the real perps will NEVER get caught. Just like the LHO lone patsy, they love to put the blame on just one individual, 50 dead and 42 hospitalized!
Did he have a military machine gun or a newfangled gattling gun?!
Who & Why?
In any event the only questions that ever really matter when trying to solve such a transparent false flag shooting event is WHO really did it and WHY did they do it.
It ought to be quite obvious by now that Obama was put into the White House by his masters to accomplish five primary goals: Enact Obamacare.
Restart the Cold War with Russia. Crash the Economy.
Promote Gay Marriage and Nullify the 2nd Amendment.
He has been wildly successful at achieving four of these goals.
The last one has remained elusive.
This particular challenge has not NOT been met because of his lack of presidential initiative and personal will however.
He just hasn’t found the right formula necessary to unlawfully abrogate the Second Amendment.
So many false flags executed during Obama’s 2 terms have been engineered, from Sandy Hook to San Bernardino, to do just that incidentally.
Special Note:
It’s no secret that Obama, ( A New World Order Puppet) has zealously used the latest version of the NDAA to implement false flag operations anywhere, anytime, he so chooses.
The NDAA has illicitly legislated powers to the Executive Branch to execute false flag shootings, bombings and assassinations within the 50 states for propaganda purposes in the interest of ‘National Security’.
This is precisely the reason for the dramatic increase and intensity of mass shootings throughout the country.
Yes, the U.S. Federal Government has unlawfully arrogated power unto itself to commit heinous atrocities against the American people in order to protect the citizenry homeland.
Only in AMERIKA, also known as the USSA!
Orlando, Florida: Home of Disney World and all things fake and fabulous:
For those who really think outside the box, it’s important to perceive the purpose behind the cynical utilization of Orlando, Florida.
Home to Disney World and therefore the destination of so many families and their children over generations, it has become the one place you go to get away from it all.
You leave the home behind and all of the negative evening news and you travel to the land of make-believe to immerse yourself in childhood fun and fantasy.
What’s the point? Well, what better way to galvanize the parents and children across America to take up the issue of gun control in earnest than by shooting up their adult and childhood playground?
Put them together with the LBGT higher ups, (working behind the scenes) and the LGBT Movement (working out in front) and you have yourself quite a formidable force to be reckoned with.
By Joe Monoco
If you don't get it, here's why:
1 Corinthians 2:14:
But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
Website Tracking
Okay, so now the patsy has been identified as Chris Harper-Mercer.
This is a fake.
We'll keep updating you with the most recent videos exposing this hoax.
In this video you'll find out what the agenda of the power elite is.
All the predetermined characteristics of this man are the exact things the Illuminati want to turn the world against.....
He is a created character..
OK, just the other day the lamestream news turned from its attacks on Russia for the Russian Federation taking action against the American fraud known as "ISIS" to turn its attention to a brand spanking new "shooting" in Oregon.....
I was alerted to this "shooting" yesterday morning and indeed have been following all the reports coming from the liars in our media, and of course from reports coming through the alternative media as well... From the very beginning of this latest "shooting" I smelled a rat, and lo and behold after looking over so much data, I am firmly believing this to be an absolute 100% bona fide hoax.
To help understand the strange circumstances behind this latest fraud shooting, I want to turn to a most excellent video that comes from Youtube user "RedsilverJ"....
This video that I have right here for all to see for themselves, definitely shows that we are dealing with another fraud for the same purpose of all the other fraud shootings...
To create shock and horror in the American public to the point that they will gladly surrender their last defense against their own criminal government, their guns...
Don't the power elite ever get tired of the same old tactics? It's the same pattern, lone crazy shooter. Not a Conspiracy, he acted alone, bla, bla, bla.
The power elite are staging events like this in places where we would normally feel safe. In high schools, at shopping malls, on live TV interviews (which we have exposed) and on College campuses. They want you to feel like there is no place to hide and no place you can go to feel safe. It's a classic case of imposing trauma on the American public, to get you to agree with their pre-planned agenda...DON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN!
The Crisis actors are getting worse and worse:
Currently NBC is telling us this:
Multiple people were killed in a shooting at an Oregon community college on Thursday, fire officials said.
The shooter at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg was “down,” a Douglas County fire official confirmed to NBC News.
At 3:35 pm CST,(3+3+5=11) a guest on CNN reported that no one in adjacent rooms or adjacent buildings heard any gun shots.
CNN is also reporting, quote “it’s also concerning that we don’t know the condition of the shooter, is he alive, is he dead?”
At 4:00 pm CST CNN’s Wold Blizter reported that the shooter, a 20-year old male, is dead.]
A media conference was claimed to be scheduled for noon in Oregon but did not eventuate.
BBC reporting “at least” fifteen deaths and twenty injured.Shooting began in a science room named Snyder Hall..
US Ambassador to the UK tells BBC US must institute tighter gun laws.
Local media are saying that the Oregon police cannot tell them whether the assailant is even dead or alive.
That is the first really odd, troubling sign.
If the local police do not know then who would know?
Dead or alive the assailant is in custody according to them so how could they be unsure as to whether the individual is still alive or under arrest?
Unless they’re still ironing out some of the “wrinkles” in the script.
Oregon College Shooting MSNBC
At least one female was shot in the chest at the college, the official said.
Umpqua is a two-year school with roughly 3,300 full-time students and 16,000 part-time students. It was established in 1964.
KTLA weighs in with this:
A suspected gunman was detained Thursday after reportedly killing at least 10 people at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College, according to CNN.
And USA Today says:
As many as 10 people were killed and 20 injured when a shooter opened fire at Umpqua Community College Thursday in southern Oregon, Oregon State Police told KGW-TV.
The shooter was killed, according to police.
Police received a call of an active shooter in a classroom at the college at 10:30 a.m., local time, according to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office
“Active shooter at UCC. Please stay away from the area,” Fire District No. 2 that serves Douglas County said on Twitter.
Sara Mattison, a reporter for KVAL television, said she could see a female student covered in blood get into a car and leave the campus.
Mattison also saw parents crying and looking for their children at the campus.
The college, located six miles north of Roseburg, Ore., normally has 3,000 full-time students and 16,000 part-timers.
Authorities quickly spread the word and called on residents and students not to go to the campus.
credit below to nodisinfo:
In this image (BELOW) this huckster is assisted by the man seen in the image, far left, this time through his taking on the tissue paper prop:
Oregon, it would seem, has legions of such fabricators.
Here is another one, sporting a large tattoo, who attempts, though in an asinine way, to fake tearfulness:
She’s holding the cell phone as a prop, too, on instruction from her Zionist masters, feigning as if she is calling someone about the horror of this (non) shooting.
Now comes the mother, father, and son team, happy to sell their souls for the benefits they earn for the lie. Surely, the parents are in the casual mode, here, just are the people in the background.
Yet, the son, oh that son, he is in such shock and grief, so sad, so pouring with tears that he must cover his eyes.
Here is yet another team of fraudsters, presumably mother and daughter. While the daughter does her fake shock act – and not very well, it might be added – the mother upholds the lie by carrying both water bottles. “Just one each; these hoaxes are getting expensive.”
Even a child can view this and see it is an act and that there is nothing about it which is real.
It’s an entire family of liars and cheats, make no mistake about it.
Selling their souls to the devil they have betrayed all those others willing to stand up for what is right, willing to risk even their lives fighting against the evil empire.
Too, the water bottle is ever-present in this hoax. A crisis actor sickened by dehydration would surely upset the fabricated system and leave the schemers vulnerable to litigation.
Zoomed in, clearly, that water is the standard in these hoaxes.
If it is there in abundance, the fabrication is confirmed.
It’s a team effort of fraudsters and hacks. Suddenly, the son no longer needs to deal with that grief and it switches over to the mother, who gives that infamous Obama finger the-eye falsifier’s sign.
It’s an entire family of liars and cheats, make no mistake about it. Selling their souls to the devil they have betrayed all those others willing to stand up for what is right, willing to risk even their lives fighting against the evil empire.
Too, the water bottle is ever-present in this hoax.
A crisis actor sickened by dehydration would surely upset the fabricated system and leave the schemers vulnerable to litigation.
Regardless, who can deny it? It is clearly a drill, and, thus, all those who claim it as real are liars. See how casual it all is except for the various fake hugging and grieving routines done before the camera:
Parents of Reynolds High School students console one another in a nearby parking lot after word of a school shooting June 10, 2014 in Troutdale, Oregon.
Authorities said one student was fatally shot and the gunman was found dead at an Oregon high school (Photo by Natalie Behring/Getty Images)
Per, essentially, the Protocols of Zion the GMOs, refined sugar, vaccinations, and flouride have, in fact, done their job.
It’s another circus act, Canadian-Moncton style, with a big man featured in front of everyone’s face, gesturing and posturing.
He has made himself bigger-than-life by standing up on the vehicle frame. Better watch out; that doughnut belly could drop him down in a flash, and there might be a real casualty of this scam.
As you can see below, Roseburg, Oregon in situated on one of the key Ley Lines, where occult ceremonies are conducted and where planned tragedies or false flag operations almost always take place:
And here you can see 4 Ley Lines converge almost exactly around Roseburg:
This one also has Illuminati numerology written all over it. It happened on 10/1 = 11.
The Illuminati (13 Ruling Crime Families) is a ritualistic organization that has been around since the Christian crusades.
It has a special way of looking at numbers that we should all know about and uses the numbers for ritualistic witchcraft.
October is an important month for the Illuminists. No doubt this false flag occurring on the 1st is significant.
Why? Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice for October 31st.
The number 11 is the number of destruction and judgment and the death of man. Any event or thing assigned with the number 11 aids in the raising of the anti-Christ.
Let's break this down and you can see this is just another psyop using numerology.
Here are the meanings of the most significant numbers in the Illuminati system of numerology.
0 - For the Illuminati the number zero is symbolic of sun worshiping.
It symbolizes the man who is reborn through occult rituals.
1 - This is the number of unity of mind, body and soul.
2 - This is the number of division rather than togetherness as is typical of other number system… It is the number of the total separation of Spirit.
3 - This is the number of royalty. It symbolizes the magical shape of the triangle. It symbolizes the Holy Trinity which is Nimrod Semiramis Tamus … or Osiris, Isis, Horus … or Satan, Eve and Cain.
4 - The number of foundation. Aleister Crowley wrote a book called Book Four which was a complete guide to Magic.
5 - This is a number that protects members of the illuminati from Death.
The Illuminati also use something called The Law of Fives which is the mind’s power to perceive truth in just about
6 - The number of man. Taken from the belief that man was created on the sixth day of the week.
7 - This number is significant in several ways. There are 7 Creative powers of the Godhead
There are 7 Great Ages of the Earth. There are 7 Races of mankind.
There are 7 laws governing human life.
There are 7 Schools of Mystery Religions. In Theosophy there is a seven step process of human evolution in which successive races evolve from a lower to a higher form of life.
8 - This is the number of the sun and the sun worshiper.
It takes 8 years for Venus to orbit the sun 13 times which is significant to many occult groups including the Illuminati.
9 - The number of divine completion and the number of the fall of man.
10 - The number of law and authority. It is taken from the Ten Commandments.
11 - The number of destruction and judgment and the death of man.
Any event or thing assigned with 11 is to aid the rising of the Dajjal/anti-Christ. In Latin the Devil’s name is LVX which translates as (50+5+10 = 65 =6+5 =11)
Just as a point of interest, Armistice Day/Remembrance Day November 11 at 11:11 (Triple 11)
13 - Thirteen is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number.
It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were arrested on October 13, 1307. However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life.
There are 13 members in covens and satanic cults -
12 regular members and one high priest.
This is a mirroring of 12 jurors + 1 judge = 13.
There are 13 high occult families that run the world.
27 - The number 27 = 9+9+9 the most powerful magnification of 9 as it symbolizes 3 nines.
39 - The number 39 = 13 + 13 + 13.
The highest possible magnification of the number 13.
333 -
The number 333 uses the number 3 three times. 333 stands for the one third of the angels that followed Lucifer and rebelled.
h1. 555 - The number 555 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6.
When 555 is used 3 times and reduced to a number, it is a hidden 666.
The only known meaning to the numbers of evil or sinister triple 5 is enlightenment or illumination.
666 -
When 6 is used 3 times it is the number of the Beast.
777 - Aleister Crowley wrote a book called 777 that is significant to the Illumnati
999 - 999 is a hidden and an inverted 666 and symbolizes hidden evil.
Also, The Oregon High School Shooting was a Complete Fake! (THIS IS RELATED)
The drills are both to accomplish the same agenda!
What an absolute fake it is, fake beyond fake – the Oregon high school shooting hoax.
In fact, it is so fake that a single picture alone proves the hoax.
Here is some of the standard story lines, as found in gossip blogs like the DailyMail and Hollywood Life:
At least 1 student is confirmed dead after student carrying a semi-automatic weapon and dressed in all-black opened fire inside Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon.
Multiple injuries are reported, and one witness claims they saw a teacher covered in blood.
An unknown number of injuries are being reported out of Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Oregon after an unidentified student gunman opened fire on the morning of Tuesday, June 10. At least two people are confirmed dead from this tragic incident, including one student and the gunman.
Oregon School Shooting: 2 Dead After Gunman Opens Fire Inside Locker Room
Devastating news out of Troutdale, Oregon on Tuesday, June 10.
An active shooter was reported inside Reynolds High School, according to CNN at approximately 11:45am. At 12:20pm CNN reported that the shooter had been “neutralized” meaning he is now dead.
The shooter’s death was the first fatality reported in this tragic incident, and a second was confirmed by Portland Police during a press conference shortly after the tragedy struck.
It was later confirmed that the gunman was, in fact, a student at Reynolds High School.
The shooting was first reported inside the locker room in the gymnasium, according to the Daily Mail. The shooter was allegedly dressed in all-black with a bulletproof vest and helmet.
Yet, as published in Hollywood Life, officially, the police make it clear that it did all begin in the morning (Note: there was nothing to begin, then, other than a drill):
How to tell a hoax from the real thing:
It is completely implausible that a shooting began at around 8:00 a.m. with a lone shooter only, a mere teenager, and then lasted for some four hours afterwards.
This was without any intervention despite the presence, in advance, it must be added, of “multiple agencies?” This alone proves the event is an absolute hoax.
So does the announcement in advance of the social media monikers, the hashtags and more.
The fact that all others are asked to say away at risk of their own peril and at risk of being confronted by armed men is also another proof the the degree of this scam.
The hoaxes are getting increasingly inane, as the Zionist cabal, forcing the issue, commits blunder after blunder. Too, if one of these events turns into a real killing, with real blood and actual injured or killed people, that, too will be an act of Zionist desperation.
The Illuminati are very much into their own classic system of number meanings that have had an impact on their cult and on humankind for centuries!
Once more information comes out about this latest hoax, no doubt you could look at this list and find many of these numbers involved in this lasted false flag shooting.
We don't have all the information yet about this latest farce to give the government a reason to abolish your Bill of Rights and your rights to bear Arms, But as I write this at 1:21pm Mountain time, here is what I guarantee will happen in the hours ahead.
1. This will be a lone nut and there will be no one else involved.
2. The killer either commits suicide or is killed by police.
3. Relatives will show up on CNN in less than 24 hours calling for stricter gun control laws.
4 The story narrative is closed early, a lone madman with no help, is the only possibility.
5 Gun control is the only answer.
We are not close to being finished with this story.
Come back later today and we will have more updates!
Joe Monoco
If you don't get it, here's why:
1 Corinthians 2:14:
But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
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