Living dinosaurs in paintings
(ABOVE) Look at this painting from 1562 entitled "the suicide of Saul" You'll see dinosaurs with people riding on them. Not only did people know about dinosaurs back then, but it seems that some were domesticated in some fashion.
And this sculpture of a Stegosaurus also from the 15th century (BELOW):
The Bible mentions Dinosaurs
The Bible mentions two dinosaurs by name and describes them in great detail. "Behemoth" (Job 40:15-24) and "Leviathan" (Job 41:1-34)
From the description found in Job, scientists have attempted to identify these animals. They believe "Behemoth" is either a Hippo or an elephant, and "Leviathan" is a Crocodile or a whale. But these scientists limited their choices to non-extinct species and did not consider the possibility of dinosaurs because man and dinosaur never coexisted.
Oh really? There are some obvious reasons why this conclusion is wrong.
First, "Behemoth" cannot be a Hippo or an elephant, because of Job 40:17, "He bends his tail like a cedar." Hippos and elephants have short tails like a pig.
A Behemoth had a large tail shaped like a cedar tree (large and tapered). I believe a better choice is that a Behemoth is a Brachiosaurus type of large land dwelling dinosaur.
It fits the description perfect.
Second, "Leviathan" cannot be a crocodile or a whale, but is probably an Elasmosaurus type of large water-dwelling dinosaur.
Here is what Job 41 says. Verse 9 says you will be cast down at the sight of him, so this was a tall animal. Verse 10 says he was fierce. Verse 15 says he had scales (whales don't have scales).
Verse 25 says he raises himself up (crocs don't raise up at all but are always low). Also, this verse says this animal made a breaking, crushing, shattering sound as it walked.
This animal was large! Verse 26 says the sword, spear, dart, and the javelin that reaches him cannot penetrate his scales (crocs and whales are quite easy to kill with a good spear).
Verse 31 says he makes the depths boil like a pot; which might be where the fire-breathing dragon comes in. Verse 32 says behind him he makes a big wake (crocs make little wake if any).
Verse 34 says he looks on everything that is high" (again, it was a tall animal with a long neck). What is significant about this is that if "Behemoth" and "Leviathan" are dinosaurs, then it is crystal clear that Job had either seen them personally, or there was a recent memory of them.
This of course flies in the face of current evolutionary theory.
Dinosaurs are NOT millions of year old. Here's an interesting video on the subject by Dr. Kent Hovind:
Also, upon closer review, you can still see petrified remains of not only dinosaurs but ancient Giants of the Bible as well:
Not only have dinosaurs not been extinct for 70 million years (The earth isn't anywhere close to that old), there is plenty of evidence that many are still alive today. The deception starts with the Rothschild dynasty who own many excavation sites around the globe.
Remember, they are an illuminati family who wants to keep as many people unsure and unaware of mankind's beginnings as possible.
If you don't know where you came from, how on earth can you know where you're going? The fact is there are many references to living dinosaurs in the bible.
Such is the case in: job: 41, Ps: 74:14 and Isa: 27, where they are referred to as "Leviathan". There are countless other passages that refer to "dragons" as well. As a matter of fact the term "Dinosaur" is a relatively modern term which means "terrible lizard".
There are numerous ancient writings where dragons were referred to as living at the same times as humans.he Apocrypha's Book of Bel and the Dragon relates a curious story: that in the temple of Bel, Lord of the World, Nebuchadnezzar's favored god, the priests kept a "great dragon or serpent, which they of Babylon worshipped."
The king challenged the Hebrew prophet Daniel, who had been going about sneering about nonliving gods of brass, to dispute this god, who "liveth, and eateth and drinketh; you canst not say that he is no living god; therefore worship him." To remove himself from this quandary, Daniel poisoned the animal.
The fortieth chapter of Job in the Old Testament, though written anywhere from 100 to 1300 years earlier than the Ishtar Gate's construction, may refer to the sirrush by another name:
"Behold now Behemoth ... he eateth grass as an ox. Know now his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass, his bones are like bars of iron.... He lieth under the shady trees, in the cover of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.... His nose pierceth through snares."
The behemoth's identity has long puzzled biblical scholars, who have not doubted that Job was writing of a real animal, even if no satisfactory candidate among known animals seems to exist.
Mackal offers this interpretation: "The behemoth's tail is compared to a cedar, which suggests a sauropod. This identification is reinforced by other factors.
Not only the behemoth's physical nature, but also its habits and food preferences are compatible with a sauropod's. Both live in swampy areas with trees, reeds and fins (a jungle swamp)."
The discoverer of the Ishtar Gate, German archaeologist Robert Koldeway, gave serious thought to the possibility that the sirrush may have been an actual animal. Unlike other fantastic beasts in Babylonian art, he noted, images of the sirrush remained unchanged over centuries.
What struck him about these depictions was the "uniformity of [the sirrush's] physiological conceptions."
The sirrush, he said, was more like a saurian than any other animal. Such creatures did not coexist with human beings, he wrote, and the Babylonians, who were not paleontologists, could not have reconstructed a saurian from fossil remains; yet the Old Testament states explicitly that the sirrush was real. All this considered, he was reduced to speculating that the Babylonian priests kept "some reptile" in a dark temple and led the unsuspecting to believe it was a living sirrush.
“The first Pteranodons in America were first discovered in the upper chalk of Logan County, Kansas by O. C. Marsh in 1870.
The only remains collected were the fragments of long wing bones.”
(2) Source:
“Although bones of Pteranodon were first discovered in the 1860s, it was not until after the turn of the century that we had a reasonably complete picture of the animal.
Its bones are hollow and thin-walled; therefore, they were usually crushed flat. Also skeletons were generally incomplete. Like our model, it was necessary to incorporate bones from several specimens in order to reconstruct Pteranodon.”
(3) Source:
The animal in this photo is clearly an anatomically perfectly correct, male Pteranodon, when compared to the museum model! Besides the correct “ante-orbital fenestra” cavity observed just in front of the eye socket, and the identical eyebrow skull ridge, and the exact position of the neck, even the right-side lower inward curvature on the museum’s skeleton lower beak in the photo, where the throat’s skin was connected, are clearly visible in the sepia photo!
And it almost looks like the upper and lower beaks are tied together with twine or cord. Was this Ptero still alive perhaps at the time of the shot, that they had to keep it from biting the hunter’s leg? According to the above Berkeley University quote, no one before 1900, (forget about 1864!) knew what an anatomically correct Pteranodon looked like! (except perhaps American Indians knew what their ‘Thunderbirds” looked like!)
So for sure no one in 1864 could have faked a fancy prop like this, let alone use plastics or fiberglass to produce a photo as real as this one!
Let's take a closer look.
The Babylonians are known to have penetrated equatorial Africa, home of the mokele-mbembe, and Ley, Bemard Heuvelmans, and Mackal have all suggested that in the course of their travels they heard of such creatures, perhaps sighted them, or even brought a specimen home with them.
This is not an unreasonable hypothesis, if we assume that mokele-mbembe exists.

On the other hand, some modern scholars, for example Adrienne Mayor, dispute the assumption that the ancients did not know of, or had no interest in, prehistoric animals.
Mayor has written, "Reliable ancient sources relate that, when fossils were discovered in antiquity, they were transported with great care, identified, preserved, and sometimes traded. Reconstructed models or the remains of 'unknown' species were displayed in Greece and Rome."
She adds that ancient writings seem to indicate that "some representations and descriptions of crypto-animals in antiquity were based on reconstructions from skeletons of living or extinct animals."
If such was the case with the sirrush, however, the fossilized remains would have had to be brought in from elsewhere. Dinosaur fossils did not exist in Mesopotamia.
Lets look at carcasses that have washed up on shores around the globe that shows the undeniable existence of dinosaurs that are still alive.
This is the Zuiyo-Macu carcass that was caught in a Japanese fishing boat off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. The carcass was decaying and weighed 4000 lbs.
This dinosaur had been dead for about 30 days. The pseudo-scientists tried to tell us this was a basking shark. HARDLY! This creature has a long neck and vertebrae in it's neck. Just because they claimed it had protein 95% similar to a shark means nothing.
That's like using the argument that a watermelon and a cloud are both 99% water, therefore they are the same thing.....nonsense!

Here's another picture of a Plesiosaur that washed up on Moore's Beach in Monterey, California in 1925.
The neck of this animal was 20 feet long!

There are also photo's of animals like the ones below that washed up on shore in South Africa and in Russia. If these aren't dinosaurs, then can anyone explain what these animals are?

h1. Here is another modern day fish that was thought to be extinct some 70 million years ago (By the way, the earth is not "millions" of years old), that was photographed by a Japanese crew that science tried to pass off as a "frilled shark" Look at this picture...does this look like any known shark to you?

There are other stories of modern day dinosaurs from Central Africa where the natives refer to it as "Mokele Mbembe" pronounced "mo-kill-aye-mem-bay".
There have been numerous pictures of "Champ" (below) which is a Plesiosaur that lives in Lake Champlain, New York.
So you see the mystery of the Lock Ness monster etc, really isn't a mystery at all.
It's not "debris" or an optical illusion, it's a real living Plesiosaur. Here's an interview with Sandi Mansi who photographed the creature with Dr. Kent Hovind:
They are Plesiosaurs that aren't extinct. Today, there are not the huge number of dinosaurs that existed before the flood of Noah's day which killed most of them (no, a prehistoric meteor didn't kill the dinosaurs) and they certainly aren't as big...but some are still with us today.
Now if modern day science which is pretty much controlled by the Rothschild family would open their eyes and shut their mouths...we would all be better off.
PSSST! Crocodiles, Alligators and Rhino's are distant relatives of dinosaurs too all be it not nearly as big....just don't tell modern science. Let them figure it out for themselves.

This creature is called emela-ntouka ("killer of elephants"). Reports consistently describe it as the size of an elephant, or larger, with heavy legs which support the body from beneath (as opposed to the side, as in crocodiles) and a long, thick tail.
Its face is said to be generally rhinoceros-like, with a single horn which protrudes from the front of the head. It is semi aquatic in habit, eats foliage, and kills elephants and buffaloes with its great horn.
A Living Dinosaur? (1987) Mackal suggests that such animals, if they exist, are likely to be a kind of prehistoric rhinoceros or a horned dinosaur of the triceratops variety.
If the former, it is a mammal.
h1. Mackal also has collected a handful of vague reports of mbielu mbielu mbielu, "the animal with planks growing out of its back," said to resemble a stegosaur.
More compelling were sightings of nguma monene, an enormous serpent-like reptile with a serrated ridge along its back and four legs situated along its sides.
Among the witnesses was American missionary Joseph Ellis, who in November 1971 said he saw such a creature emerge from the Mataba River and disappear into the tall grass.
Ellis did not get a good look at its entire body, though he was only 200 feet away and had the creature under observation for two minutes. He never saw its head and neck, but from the portions of the body above water, he determined that it had to be over 30 feet long.
As one well familiar with the Congo's fauna, he was positive that the animal could not have been a crocodile. Native reports, which do include descriptions of a head and extended tail, suggest to Mackal that "we may be dealing with a living link between lizards and snakes," perhaps a "lizard type ... derived from a primitive, semi-aquatic group known as dolichosaurs, rather than more advanced monitors."
In 1932 biologist Ivan T. Sanderson and animal collector W. M. (Gerald) Russell had a bizarre and frightening experience in the Mamfe Pool, part of the Mainyu River in West Cameroon.
The two men, with native guides, were in separate boats and passing cliff-like river banks dotted with deep caves when suddenly they heard ear-shattering roars, as if huge animals were fighting in one of the caves.
Swirling currents sucked both boats near the cave's mouth.
At that point, Sanderson would recall, there "came another gargantuan gurgling roar and something enormous rose out of the water, turned it to sherry-colored foam and then, again roaring, plunged below. This 'thing' was shiny black and was the head of something, shaped like a seal but flattened from above to below. It was about the size of a full-grown hippopotamus-this head, I mean."
Sanderson and Russell chose not to stick around to see anything more. Upstream they found big tracks which could not have been placed there by a hippopotamus because hippos did not live in the area.
This was because the creatures had killed them all, the natives said. The creatures were not carnivorous, however; their diet consisted of the liana fruits that grew along the rivers.
The natives called these creatures, in Sanderson's phonetic rendering, "m'kuoo m'bemboo." and they still exist to this very day...
And just a side note you may find interesting:
That's right, there is no such thing as "fossil fuels" it's all a Rockefeller lie: