Okay everyone, listen up. If "variants" are real, then why are they treating them all with the same vaccine? If new variants keep coming out, then they should keep coming out with brand new vaccines to combat them...right?
The most critical exposure of the lies is the HISTORY of vaccines. Most believe they are brand new breakthroughs in medicine promising hope for disease, virtually almost none know the true history dates back to 1600BC, black magic, pharmakia taught by the fallen angels who were cast to earth for rebelling against God...See The Books of Enoch", the history of the great plagues where millions died, see Chapter 4 history of vaccines, The Poisoned Needle".
People were told small pox vaccine saved people from small pox...they died about 2 years later after small pox vaccine of TB. Today people are dying of cancer after injection with polio vaccine. The Cutter incident children GOT polio from polio vaccine.
Deceived, lied to, bullied, forced into shots for work or for school. We must unite and stand together for each other, a mass walkout, shout out, mass refusal of vaccines...NOW! Say NO, mother's in mass remove your kids from school against forced vaccines, walk out of dr. offices who force vaccinate.
United in force, a stand off, a walk out, a mass refusal. Alone you are nothing to them, together we are a force they will listen too. United we stand divided we fall. The Goal is real, you must wake up...depopulation and extermination of millions is being planned.
If you want other quotes from Dr. Kalokerinos on the whole vaccine fraud that has gone on for decades, this is a great source:
When... oh when are people going to wakeup and figure out they are being played with all these fake diseases and variants?
Before we get started, we need to expose this latest "Omicron" psy-op and what it means.
First off, let's look at the last two "variants" and how the globalists continue to mock and taunt us and continue to do it in plain sight. The first so-called "variant" was called "delta".
It's a greek letter and it has two meanings here. The first is "pyramid" and it's the occult symbol we see everywhere and it's one of the Illuminati's power symbol.
**__It also has to do with brain waves and it means a person is in a deep sleep.**__
So it's original meaning is "eye".
But it's also an anagram which spells "moronic."
The "HELIX NEBULA" isn't real. It's nothing more than an artists rendering put out my NASA which actually represents the all seeing eye used in all occult/satanic groups:
They also are using predictive programming as it was also used back in a 1963 movie about an alien that takes over the body of an Earthman in order to learn about the planet, so his race can take it over. Anagram - Moronic/Oncomir
Oncomir is linked to mRNA + Cancer
Omi - Old Myocardial infarction (Heart disease)
Cron - (Greek) A command to an operating system or server for a job that is to be executed at a specific time
h1. MRNA - An operating system that sends a message
As you know we like to back everything up with facts before we post it for you because people will inevitably claim it's not real or been photoshopped. Well here is the full movie:
Here's more information on this movie:
The vaccines themselves are causing the side effects listed below and it is also killing people as you'll see later in this article. So they are hiding the effects of this vaccine by calling it the "omicron variant."

The fact is what most people are trusting in is not in any way "science". What science most people believe in is really just another religion labeled science.
Just so you know, this "pandemic" or as we call it a "plandemic" was planned a long time ago. The methods, the fear, the vaccine, the shutting down of businesses. They told us what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. Check out this video:
Look at this video from 2019 with lying Dr. Fauci and his cohorts and you'll see once again, this whole charade was planned in advance. They are even discussing here how they plan to pull it off:
So what are they telling us here? It's very obvious. The last two "variants" are the "eye over the triangle" which is the same symbol you see occultists flashing everywhere including it being on the dollar bill.
Okay, so you see the not so hidden occult meaning here.
They are blatantly promoting the real meaning behind these "variants" and once again, it has nothing to do with any kind of virus but it is signaling this is all part of the occult with the underlying purpose to destroy the "Old World Order" and the old way of doing things and usher in the "New World Order" or the Great Reset.
They are also mocking all humans by saying we are all "morons" (omicron) and "asleep" (delta) and thus too stupid to see what is really going on. Do you see that? Now let's move to other the other psy-ops they have to ultimately bring in their "grand reset".
Well, it's pretty obvious. It's because the vaccine is causing the problem in the first place (BELOW).
To start with, everything you see on TV about anything that surrounds this "pandemic" is NOT science, it is paid for propaganda by shills who are getting a healthy financial gain as an incentive to lie to you! "Science" is not GOD, science doesn't exist in and of itself.
There are "scientists" who are fallible human beings. In this current situation, there is "scientific theory" put forth by some of these scientists.
Most of the time scientists don't agree and are at odds with other. So the term "Trust The Science" would be to foolishly put your faith in fallible humans who often times can't agree as you'll see here, and have been wrong on issues of life and death time and time again in the past.
I don’t know how many people realize they are saying this but it sounds like a weird robot person when you regurgitate this phrase.
“The phrase “I believe in science” may be one of the most ridiculous things a person can say in this age of information.
Let me explain:
What this statement has come to mean is: I believe in the current scientific consensus.” or “I trust the scientific results in this study posted right below” it also implies that “anyone who disagrees with me is anti-science, and I have no reason to listen to them” Not often do we realize that a person can find scientific evidence to back up any belief they have about the world.
There was once a scientific consensus that smoking was good for you. Not just benign… but a healthy life choice.
Science once told us it would be a good idea to spray DDT directly on the skin of people - including children.
Science told us Vioxx (a drug for arthritis) was safe and it ended up causing 140,000 heart attacks and killing about 50,000 people.
Why do I bring up these instances? To show that, unless science is your religion, science is not meant to be a belief system. Science is meant to be a process. The minute you “believe” in science is the minute you give away your critical thinking skills because a study tells you how to think.
True scientists do not “believe” in scientific results so much as they believe in the process. They have the understanding that science is always changing.
We will never “arrive” to a place and time where we know all there is to know. As a science major in college I learned that doing science often leaves us with more questions than answers.
Science is meant to be questioned, not blindly believed in. In the words of Richard Feynman,
“I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
The final issue I have with this statement is that most science has been bought by our capitalistic and reductionist culture. We only study the things that can make us money and only those with money can fund the science that they “believe” in.
We study what a drug or supplement does to one part of our body without looking at how it affects the whole person long term.
An example of this would be how there is a lack of science on the physiological, normal birth process because midwives don’t have the money to fund it.
But when you’re trying to sell pitocin, fetal monitors and epidurals to hospitals suddenly there’s a lot of science to be done.
There isn’t much research being done on the effects of a solid community surrounding a newly postpartum mother, but there's endless research on the drugs we can give for postpartum depression.
Science is too delicate for market forces to govern.
It turns scientists into salesman” - Bret Weinstein
Science is a tool that helps us understand the world. Science is not a religion. Science is not a weapon to use against people who don’t agree with you.
If you read an article that cites a study, tells you how to think, and then asks no questions, take it with a grain of salt. If it seems to have everything about this subject figured out, move on. Filter any scientific result through your own personal devil's advocate.
What does your gut tell you intuitively? How does it compare to the biological norm?
How does it compare to what you know to be true in the world? And, for the love of all that is holy, when someone else has a different scientific opinion - engage in a conversation instead of a debate.” ~Victoria Miner - Science Major
Things are getting so obvious now, you can't miss it. The Globalists continue to turn up the heat to establish their global government and in the meantime take away our rights and make us slaves to the "Beast" system.
We are going to touch on three of their latest events and show you that they are all related and all orchestrated by the globalists.
We want to start off with Travis Scott and the Astro world concert.
First off, this was nothing more than a blood ritual satanic sacrifice worship service. Travis Scott is nothing more than a puppet to the globalists to open "portals" to demonic entities and the people they are going after first are the children.
It's also no coincidence that Kylie Jenner is his girlfriend because this whole Jenner/Kardashian crowd are high ranking Armenian witches.
The people we see in the "entertainment" industry have handlers (controllers, human and spirit entities) and their role is to be "influencers" of the general population. To be an "A" list actor or even a high rotation star in the music industry you have to be part of the "club" and they go through extensive disturbing, disgusting rituals to get to where they are.
They all have to do it, there aren't any exceptions. Just to get to Travis Scott, he's obviously working for a higher force or power that's way above him and I'm not necessarily talking about humans, although he for sure has controllers. In and of himself, he shouldn't be famous.
That guy by himself shouldn't be able to attract 50,000 people to go see him.
There is nothing about him that is special. He can't sing (well), he can't dance and he sure as heck isn't anything for the women to look at. That should be a first clue to people that there is something way bigger than him that was behind this whole incident.
No doubt he, just like most of these stars, if not all, are followers of the teachings of Aleister Crowley.
While most of these "sacrifices" at this concert were trampled to death, there seems to be another reason for some of the fatalities. Let's see, wonder what it could be?
Everyone attending the concert had to prove they have had the "injections" before attending. Here's that number "11" again as some of these victims had cardiac arrest (at the same time), the same issue these injections are causing:
The name 'Travis' comes from the old French word traverser, meaning "to cross".
This was the name given to the men who collected tolls from people crossing a bridge. In Scottish baby names the meaning of the name Scott is: wanderer. So, could the audience have been the ones paying a toll to cross the bridge to the other side or to cross over to the spiritual plane? The top he is wearing seems to suggest this.
This concert was nothing more than a satanic ritual worship service flooded with demonic/occultic imagery including the all seeing eye that we also see on the back of the dollar bill:
As with all events surrounded by the occult, we see numerology. This concert date of November 5th, just happened to be 666 months and 6 days from the founding of the church of satan:
Here's another great video breaking down what happened at this occult ritual concert and demonic worship service as well as the dangers of the "injection" from Dana Ashlie.
NOTE: While some of these interviews look somewhat suspicious and we have seen incidents in the past where events like this have been totally staged, we believe (until we see otherwise) that in this particular instance the dark illuminati forces wanted an actual blood sacrifice and not another staged fake event.
But we still encourage you to make up your own mind on this:
8 People killed at this concert: "ALLEGEDLY"
It doesn't get more obvious what's really going on here. This was an intentional blood sacrifice:
You can check out this video from "Hacking The Headlines" which we think has a good summation of the events in this satanic ritual sacrifice:
LIGHTS!.......CAMERA!..........ACTION!......START SHOOTING!!!!!!!
While it should be obvious to everyone that this was a scripted professional wrestling type event. You need to know what function it serves.
If you have read our articles in the past, you know what the globalists always attempt to do and that's divide and conquer. It's why they created to two party system.
That's right, both the "left" and the "right", both democrats and republican, both conservatives and liberals are all controlled by the same people.
All they need to do is divide the people into two camps, have them fight each other and we will never unite to fight the true enemy which are the illuminati controllers who are all controlled by the Biblical "principalities and powers" and dark evil spirits which Satan himself is in control of.
This trial was a made for TV show to further divide the country along party lines. If you haven't noticed, the "right" or the republicans think justice was served while the "left" think this was a blatant miscarriage of justice. This outcome was all planned.
It was all a big dog and pony show that the controllers knew would fuel the fire to get America once again fighting each other and it worked just like they planned all along. If you look at the scripted shooting of this event, nothing about it looks real.
Just a bunch of bad actors with fake tears playing roles while the camera just happened to catch it all on tape. This is absolute nonsense! It's nothing but a made for TV crime drama.
We know YouTube says this may be "offensive", but take heart, it's nothing but a false flag event staged by bad crisis actors. See how many things you can see in this video below that just don't add up.
And if you think that last video looks ridiculous, it just so happened Rittenhouse just happened to be interviewed just before the shooting:
Don't tell me, let me guess, the shooter is using another AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice in these staged shootings:
. Everyone of these pics of Rittenhouse tells a story of who this kid really is. In most of them he actually looks like a female:
Rittenhouse visited Trump in Mar-a-Lago after verdict and the former president says he got to know the teenager. Remember, Trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton and Bush are all controlled by the same Illuminati bankers and are all "in the know" about this.
There is no "left" and "right" here, they are all globalists and have the same agenda.
Just like it was planned all along, huh? Good job, kid, let's really get the racial divide going just as planned. Oh by the way, your check is in the mail.
Just another thing we noticed. Rittenhouse looks suspiciously similar to a grown up Noah Pozner involved in the Sandy Hook hoax. It's very much like the Globalists to pull stunts like this. What do you think?
And this is just the start of what's to come.
We see it happening on a grand scale now and what a surprise, the mainstream media is saying nothing about it. We have professional athletes along with regular people around the world dropping dead and children suffering heart attacks.
108 professional sports men and women in the last 6 months have either died or suffered injury from you know what. The newspapers and msn media have been forced to acknowledge it as these people have been too high profile for them not to mention it.
Many of these heart attacks etc have been on TV where there have been thousands watching them. They of course fail to confirm what you and I already know and that is that they had 💉 prior to this happening to them.
Remember, the corporations behind these injections like Pfizer also sponsor many of the mainstream news outlets so you will never hear the truth about this from your television.
People are dropping dead from anything from heart attacks to blood clots to strokes from these vaccines and not a word about it from the mainstream media:
Look at the next lie where are attempting to deflect the damage these vaccines are causing. They are saying these symptoms are happening to children 4-6 weeks after having tested positive for "covid" when the reality is they are having these issues after getting the injection.
Oh! And now just in time for Christmas there is a new "African" variant that seems to happen to the "jabbed". This is NOT a variant! This is more deflection to hide people that are getting sick from the actual injections! How long are people going to buy into these fear mongering lies and absolute nonsense?
Of all the vaccines that came before this, Tetanus shots, measles, mumps, polio, meningitis, TB shots, etc...
Never have I heard so many lies and deceptions over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated, and that I could still contract or spread the virus even after being fully vaccinated.
Never had to get tested when I was perfectly healthy without any symptoms whatsoever. Never been bribed by the establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a holiday and/or cash prizes, tickets to the football or earn frequent flyer points.
I never had to worry about cardiac issues, neurological disorders, blood clots and sadly more!
Didn't even have to worry about death. Never was I ever THREATENED by the use of FORCE by the Government, Employers, Police force, and Military for a vaccine as seen here in Canada.
I was never judged by my friends or relatives if I didn't take it.
I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services to a point where I could not buy or sell without it.
The vaccines I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking them or for even taking them for that matter.*
I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between family members and/or close friends to a point of destroying relationships with them ever.
Never have I seen it used for political gain. Never seen a vaccine needing 24/7 mass media advertising and promotion on every media outlet known to man.
Then there’s mixing and matching different vaccine brands and being told it's okay to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it.
I have never seen a vaccine threaten someone's livelihood, as well as wipe out their jobs. I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12-year-old child's consent to supersede their parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).
Finally...after all the vaccines (jab, shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society.
So much information is censored, deleted, and removed from the internet and mainstream media!!! So many doctors, health care professionals, police and scientists are censored and forbidden to speak out or ask legitimate questions when what is being allowed or not allowed does not make sense!!!
Particularly when it comes from mainstream media. I have never known a vaccine that has made all the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture it exempt from liability if it kills everyone to a point where no life insurance will cover it!!!
This is one powerful vaccine guys!
It does all these things above that I have mentioned and yet...It does NOT do the ONE thing it is supposed to do, which is...FIGHT OFF THIS PANDEMIC!!!
So tell me again why on earth would I get it?...Oh that's right, because government officials tell us to.**
h1. Keep in mind, this is just the tip of the iceberg!!!
We'll have more information as it becomes available.
Also, always remember:
"All of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century rose to power amidst thunderous applause that the people think will keep them safe"
Just in case you haven't noticed, most people in America and in the World are under a hypnotic "spell". What is a spell? It's very real. The science of spell casting goes back thousands of years.
It's basically a form of hypnosis used by World leaders, rulers, popular music, entertainers as well as stage hypnotists. What it does is it lowers your critical thinking and heightens your suggestibility. The TV is the most powerful hypnotic tool in the World.
You become more susceptible when you are in agreement with the person casting the "spell" and as you probably already know, no one can be put under hypnosis without their consent. But, you can unknowingly give your consent and that is what is happening regarding this "pandemic".
All politicians are aware of this concept and are trained extensively in it's art form. TV actors, musicians and the entertainment world are well versed in this occult practice as well.
The "Corona Virus" and those who are under it's spell are under the same demonic power as those who are involved in cults. Cults all follow the same rules.
(1) "Isolate people from each other" (Stay six feet apart).
(2) "Separate families and get them to be afraid to be around each other". (No hugging each other).
(3) "Instill fear into the initiates" (If you don't obey the cult leaders you may die).
(4) "Shun those who will not follow". (Those who don't wear masks are selfish and a danger to society and are to be avoided).
(5) "If you don't obey the cult leader, you are putting your life at risk". (Stay inside, constantly wash your hands, think of your fellow human brothers and sisters as potential bio-hazards that may cost you your life if you get to close to them).
(6) "Do not question your cult leaders". ( Listen to the authorities because they know what's good for you. Dr. Fauci says stay inside and stay safe and as long as you listen to him you will be safe).
(7) "Give some outward appearance that you are under the authority and submission to your cult. (Wear your mask so they know who is compliant and who is not).
The reason most of you reading this are not under a spell is because you know what's going on and are less likely to have given your "applied consent" to be put under this lowered state of consciousness. Most people that are awake understand not to follow programmers like Dr. Fauci, Trump, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Biden, TV "news" people etc.
That's right, they are ALL skilled programmers. But what actions do people have to take to be put under this spell? In short, It's having belief and faith in people and institutions you shouldn't. If you believe your TV tells you the truth, you are susceptible.
If you believe in politicians and think you need these individuals to run your life, you are susceptible. If you have "fear" in your heart while watching TV, you are extremely susceptible.
Repetition is huge in hypnosis! It's no coincidence that you can't turn on the television without seeing something that has to do with Covid-19.
If you see something enough, your brain will accept it as truth, no matter how big the lie is. That's why mostly everything on your TV is "repetitive" and "fear based".
Those are the two most powerful attributes in mind control and spell casting.
Studies have proven that the "flash patterns" in your TV (among other things) lowers peoples critical thinking and heightens their suggestibility.
People actually worship at the "almighty alter" of the TV and go back daily for further instruction and that pattern continues to strengthen the mind control most people are under.
Do this test, next time your TV is on, watch it's reflection on a white wall, you'll see how often it "flashes" from one scene to the next without staying on one scene for any length of time.
Studies show this makes your brain highly open to suggestion.
The reason most people reading this are not under this spell or delusion is because we are aware that politicians are the " hired influencers" that lie to us.
We are aware the TV is not a source or any kind of information. We are aware of the deception and thus we don't give our consent to give it control over us like most of the population does.
Now, here's where it gets interesting. When Government types put a hypnotic spell on people through the words and gestures and so fourth that comes through your television.
They also put in "back up" spells to solidify the deception. The people under this hypnotic spell are also indoctrinated not to accept any kind of truth or other viewpoint other than the one which they have been programmed into. That's why what comes on the TV is called "Programming".
So that's why when you tell these indoctrinated people the truth, they scoff, become angry and call the people telling the truth names..."conspiracy theorists", "selfish", "crazy" and the list goes on and on. What they are doing is reacting to their "backup programming" which literally tells them to become angry anytime they hear anything that contradicts their original programming.
That's why it's so hard to "wake people up" once they are under this "spell" or "download" which is dropped into their subconscious without them even knowing it..
I encourage people reading this to do more research on this topic if you already haven't because it explains why mostly intelligent, normal people can believe the absolute craziness and insanity that is going on right now with this "pandemic" and why they just don't seem to be able to think clearly, rationally and logically.
This concept of mask wearing, staying 6 feet away from your fellow human beings, parents not being able to hug their grandkids along with normal people looking at each other as potential bio-hazards is absolute insanity and is nothing but satanically inspired mind control.
The incredibly sad thing is people under the influence of this spell are going along with it voluntarily like soulless robots who don't have the ability to think for themselves any longer.
It's a tragedy that is beyond belief. I suspect the spell and programed mind control most people are under is now is so ingrained and powerful that only prayer and an act of God himself will deliver them. They no longer seem to be able to be reached with logic and common sense.
Do not ever underestimate the power of prayer though. It's the most powerful tool we have right now and the only thing that will make a difference and awaken the sleeping masses that are going along with this madness.
Because in the end, it's not so much what the Global elite are doing to the American people as it is what the American people are allowing to have happen to themselves.
In short, as you can see, most people are a product of some form of Government sponsored Mind Control. Yep, they control most peoples reality. Most people just don't "get it", not because they aren't smart, it's because they are programmed to think a certain way.
Unfortunately, even when presented with the truth, they still can't see it. It doesn't matter how apparent and obvious the truth is. They are spiritually blind. Like the Bible says: "Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers".
If someone is blind, it doesn't matter how bright the light is, they are still blind and can't see the truth. The good news is for anyone reading this article is this probably doesn't apply to you, because if you were among the spiritually blind, you wouldn't still be reading.
Thanks for reading this post! Our prayer is that this has been eye opening, useful and maybe life changing. Thanks for reading!
By Joe Monoco
If you don't get it, here's why:
1 Corinthians 2:14:
But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
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