As much as I don’t like to write it and as much as Americans don’t want to read it, U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq died in vain. This means that their deaths were ineffectual, unsuccessful, and futile.
Their deaths were without real significance, value, or importance.
Their deaths were without effect, to no avail, and to no purpose. I realize that this truth might be especially painful to the thousands of Americans who have lost loved ones in Iraq.
I am not insensitive to the fact that every American soldier killed in Iraq was someone’s father, husband, son, brother, uncle, nephew, grandson, and, in about a hundred cases, someone’s mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, or granddaughter.
This painful truth should embolden those who have lost loved ones to never support or encourage any relative, friend, acquaintance, neighbor, coworker, business associate, or fellow church member ever joining the military.
Before we get started, I want to pose a question to everyone.
What do you think the most dangerous religion in the World is? Islam? Buddhism? Judaism? Christianity? Hinduism?
Well if you talk about the number of people killed by this most dangerous religion...it's none of those. In fact, the World's most dangerous religion is Statism.
What is Statism you ask? Well, you've heard the phrase never to argue about politics and religion, right? The reason is because politics is a religion.
That's right politics is the act of having faith and a belief in your government. Governments have killed more people over the centuries than all other religions combined!
You want to watch this video. It may change the way you see governments of the World.....Including your own.
You have been brainwashed to think "war" is normal and honorable. It's a very sad deception:
Labeling the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq a just war does not make it one.
A just war must be defensive, be in proportion to the gravity of the situation, have obtainable objectives, be preceded by a public declaration, be declared only by legitimate authority, and only be undertaken as a last resort.
By no stretch of the imagination can the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq be called a just war. In fact, the war violates every "just war principle" ever invoked to justify a war.
What is the purpose of the U.S. military? I think it is beyond dispute that the U.S. military should be engaged exclusively in defending the United States, not defending other countries, not attacking other countries, not invading other countries, and not occupying other countries.
Using the military for other purposes perverts the role of the military. Any other purposes, including not only enforcing UN resolutions, nation building, establishing democracy, changing regimes, training foreign armies, opening markets, and maintaining no-fly zones, but even providing disaster relief and dispensing humanitarian aid, perverts the purpose of the military.
Even if the United States went into Iraq with the best of intentions and most purest of motives (which of course it didn’t), is it the job of the U.S. military to free the oppressed peoples of the world from their autocratic rulers and totalitarian states? Absolutely not.
Not only can’t it be done, it would be a never-ending mission that would perpetually shed U.S. blood and spend U.S. treasure.
h1. U.S. soldiers killed while fighting in Iraq died in vain.
They didn’t die defending anyone’s freedoms. They didn’t die protecting the United States. They didn’t die fighting "over there" so we wouldn’t have to fight "over here." They didn’t die to keep American safe from terrorists. They didn’t die to avenge 9/11.
They may have been sincere, patriotic, and altruistic. They may have fought bravely, heroically, and passionately. They may have died sacrificially, willingly, and eagerly.
But they died for the imperial presidency (Bush or Obama), the U.S. empire, the U.S. military, the U.S. military-industrial complex, the national-security state, and a belligerent, reckless, and meddling U.S. foreign policy.
It is not honorable for a U.S. soldier to die fighting some unnecessary foreign war.
It is in fact a shameful thing. All Americans ought to be ashamed of their government, its foreign policy, and the way it uses its military.
Why is it that those who opposed this monstrous war from the beginning are not considered the true patriots? Is it anti-American to think that it wasn’t worth one drop of blood from one American soldier to give Iraq a "chance for freedom"?
How much more pro-American could one get? Real patriots don’t want to see any more U.S. soldiers or innocent Iraqi men, women and children die in vain.
You need to take a look at this video.
You know if YouTube age restricts it then that means they want this information censored that you need to be aware of. Illustration. If you asked the smartest college student how many Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war, they would answer 100,000 or less. The answer..... 3 MILLION!
Learn how you are duped by the media and your own government in this video.
Listen to soldiers who were deployed in Iraq blow the whistle on what is really happening overseas. America's soldiers are NOT fighting for your freedoms!
They are murdering innocent women and children that are just like you.
Thankfully, former soldiers are finally starting to speak up! Don't think that Mitt Romney is any better than Barack Obama! Understand!
They BOTH work for the same bankers that are against you and our Constitution!!! DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE BANKERS THAT WANT TO MAKE YOU TAKE SIDES!!!!!
And in this video, U.S. war veteran Tomas Young gives his take on George Bush joking about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction:
(BELOW) Watch U.S. soldiers murder innocent unarmed Iraqis' in cold blood and then joke about it:
Not one....not one....of any of Bush's children or his nieces and nephews have volunteered for service in any branch of the military or volunteered to serve in any capacity in Iraq. (PICTURED) Not one of them has felt the cause was noble enough to put his or her life on the line.
Here is the full list of the children of Bush and his siblings who have chosen to let other young men and women, mostly poor, rural and minorities, die for them, because they had no desire to die for George W. Bush's alleged "noble cause" (assuming an eligible age of 17 with parental consent to join the military):
Military Service Eligible Children of George W. Bush:
Jenna Bush
Barbara Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Jeb Bush
George P. Bush:
Noelle Bush
John Ellis Bush Jr.
Military Service Eligible Children of Neil Bush:
Lauren Bush
Pierce Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Marvin Bush:
Marshall Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Dorothy Bush Koch:
Samuel LeBlond
Ellie LeBlond
Furthermore, not one of George's siblings served in the military when they were eligible, and Bush got a cozy stateside position in the Texas Air National Guard to avoid risking his life in another "noble war," Vietnam.
Bush was grounded for refusing to take a drug test and was discharged. His Daddy bailed him out by getting him an honorable discharge when he should have had a dis-honorable one.
Why do George W. Bush, his siblings, and their children think that the war is "noble" enough for other kids from other parents to die in, but not them?
If the Iraq was not "noble" enough for the Bush family to risk their lives fighting for, Then that meant it was just a disastrous graveyard for poor and middle class Americans, dug deep to advance Bush's partisan agenda.
Bush could be brave with other people's children, because he had nothing personally to risk.
By the way, if you want to know who is profiting from the Iraq war, click below:
Now, Dyncorp is not only making a mint off the Iraq war, but they have also been caught in participating in child sex slavery trading.
Listen to Ga. Rep Cynthia McKinney ask Donald Rumsfeld why Dyncorp has not been punished, but have been rewarded government contracts after they were caught trafficking children and women for sex....Then watch how dirtbag Rumsfeld squirms as he tries to lie his way out of it.
Now listen to her ask him about missing trillions at the Pentagon and listen to his pathetic answer:
You have to wonder why this remarkable congresswoman has not been seen anywhere in the mainstream media.
You have to wonder why she hasn't been on any talk shows. You have see that it's the global elite that control the media to make sure she is not heard by the majority of America.
Listen to her quote below:
“I want to say categorically and very clearly that these policies of war … are not what the people of the United States stand for and it’s not what African-Americans stand for,” she told state TV. “Under the economic policies of the Obama administration, those who have the least are losing the most. And those who have the most are getting even more,” she said. “The situation in the United States is becoming more dire for average ordinary Americans and the last thing we need to do is to spend money on death, destruction and war.”
~Cynthia McKinney
This is a short video by former U.S. Soldier Mike Prysner who is now blowing the whistle on what the war in Iraq is really about. Now you know the real truth about the war in Iraq from someone who lived it and has first hand information about the real reason we invaded another sovereign nation.
This video says it all!
It's interesting how many of our "leaders" support the war in Iraq but wouldn't be involved in any war themselves.
What is fascinating is the “Chickenhawk factor,” (Meaning someone who is "chicken" or a "coward" defined as someone who supports the war and will send others to die, but didn't serve themselves when they had the chance).
There are many high-ranking leaders who were cheerleaders for the Iraq war, but who avoided military service themselves in time of war.
There does seem to be a pattern in which some of the most enthusiastically pro-war politicians,refused to go themselves. They weren’t opposed to the Vietnam War, some of them were cheerleaders for that war too, but they wanted others to fight it for them.
Chicken Hawks" are people who are enthused about their country engaging in WAR – which is why they are called "hawks", – but who make sure that their own butts are nowhere near the fighting – which makes them "chicken-hawks"
Once again, all these wars are unconstitutional. We don't believe any free country should be fighting in these undeclared wars. But it's astounding how many politicians won't participate in wars which they have no trouble sending your family and children to die for....
Consider the following list of pro-war hypocrites:
Vice President Richard B. Cheney had several deferments, none for medical reasons such as his later poor health. He infamously said that he “had other priorities.”
Former Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft did not serve–received 7 deferments to teach business ed. at Southwest Missouri State University.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush did not serve, receiving a deferment during Vietnam.
h1. “Bush’s Brain” Karl Rove, did not serve, receiving several deferments so that he could plan future wars and GOP “permanent majority.”
Former Sen. Phil Gramm, did not serve, received several deferments.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich did not serve, avoided the draft with several deferments.
Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, a major hawk, avoided combat during World War II by making training films for the army while remaining in California. Later, he seemed several times to have confused his movie role as a tailgunner with the real thing.
Delaware Sen. Joe Biden:
Rejected for medical reasons, but would have been eligible in a national emergency.
New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton:
Did not serve.
Former President Bill Clinton:
No military service.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA Republican Governor:
- went AWOL from his Austrian army base to enter a bodybuilding competition.
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards:
Did not serve.
President and former Illinois Sen. Barack Obama:
Did not serve.
Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico:
Received student and medical classifications..
Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback:
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani:
Received student and occupational deferments.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee:
Jack Kemp. "Knee problem," although he continued to play in NFL for 8 years.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney:
Received a deferment as a Mormon missionary in France.
By the way, none of his five sons served in any capacity either..
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense:
No military service.
George Tenet, CIA Director:
No military service.
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor:
No military service.
Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo:
Received student deferments. Was available for military service in 1969. Reclassified in 1970 because of stress-related anxiety and could have been called up only during a pressing national emergency.
Former President George W. Bush used his father’s influence to get into the Air National Guard in order to avoid going to Vietnam, though he loudly proposed using nuclear weapons on the North Vietnamese.
He was Absent Without Leave (AWOL) several times (most likely drunk or coked up) and eventually failed to finish his 6 year term in the Air National Guard, serving only 4 years.
His father’s influence kept him from being prosecuted for this. For some reason, “W” still insists that he “has seen war.” Maybe on TV, but that’s all.
The whole Bush Family seems to have an aversion to Military Service:
But they have no problem sending others to die.
None of George W. Bush's three brothers, Jeb, Marvin, or Neil served.
None of George H. W. Bush's three brothers, Jonathan J., William T. , or Prescott S. Bush served.
Neither of President George W. Bush's two adult children (twin daughters) have served.
Chickenhawk Mouthpieces :
1. Rush Limbaugh – sought deferment (because of a cyst on his tail end).
2. Ben Stein, actor, comedian, commentator, activistm etc.
3. (Rush's conservative brother) David Limbaugh.
4. George Will – sought graduate school deferment, (too smart to die).
5. Pat Buchanan – sought deferment (for bad knee).
6. Pat Robertson – his US Senator father got him out of Korea as soon as the shooting began.
7. James Taranto -Propagandist at the Wall Street Journal.
8. Sean Hannity (FOX).
9. Bill O'Reilly: (FOX).
10. Glenn Beck (FOX).
11. Steve Doocy (FOX).
12. Brian Kilmeade (FOX).
13. Chris Wallace (FOX).
14. Brit Hume (FOX).
15. Roger Ailes (FOX).
16. Steve Forbes
17. Michael "Savage" Weiner
18. Paul Gigot
America, you need to wake up! You have been fed a lie that our troops are "Fighting for your freedoms" They are not! The are fighting for the profits of the mega big oil companies.
They are fighting for the defense contractors who make billions off people dying and suffering. They are fighting for the politicians who get kickbacks from these corporations to start these needless and unconstitutional wars. Over 1 million Iraqi's have been murdered by America's troops. 90% of those are civilians and one third are children.
How are the troops heroes?
Are they heroes to the innocent Iraqi's who have been needlessly slaughtered?
What freedoms are they fighting for?
Is Afghanistan a threat to the U.S.? Is Iraq? Is Libya?
How are these illegal occupations keeping us free? America, you need to stop accepting what the lying politicians are trying to sell you. You need to start thinking for yourself.
You need to test what you have been told.
You need to think critically about the lies you are being spoon fed by the government controlled media. America's young men and women need to stop giving their lives to make corporate America more wealthy.
Obeying the wishes of these puppet politicians will not make you free.....it will only lead to your enslavement. Look at the below picture which is an Iraqi father holding his daughter that was killed by a United States cluster bomb.....
HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU SAY OUR TROOPS ARE HEROES and fighting for your freedoms? What if that was YOUR daughter?
If you voted for these puppet politicians that are doing this....
George Bush and Barack Obama included.....How can you say that you don't have blood on your hands as well?
h1. Another reason to start wars....
Lots of times when talking about who is going to be saved and who will not be, I hear professing Christians say "What about Hitler?"
Like somehow he's the worst of the worst. Well, let me point out that even though Hitler was an evil scumbag, U.S. Presidents have killed more innocent people since WW II than even Hitler.
And on top of that, if you rush to the polls to vote for these people, how do you think you don't have blood on your hands?
Remember at the Great White Throne judgements in Matthew 7:22? (Which is a metaphor not a literal event that has happened), Who was God judging?
Not the unsaved, not the rebellious, not any of his so called enemies. Who was he judging? The Religious people who think they are righteous!
Here's the point. Yes, Hitler was a God hating degenerate murderous evil psychopath. But, what makes people think U.S. Presidents are any better?
And to take it further if you vote for any of these people, what excuse do you have? Just like the passage in Matthew, God holds the "Holier Than Thou" Religious people who think they are the self righteous to the same standard and if you partner up with these Presidents who are killing innocent people abroad, how is that different? Right?
If they have killed as many people as Hitler, why are they different? If you support them what does that say about you?
Killing innocent people is killing innocent people.
What makes this different?
But that aside for now I want to point out why Jesus does not want us involved in things of the World like "voting" because you come into agreement with the evil Satanists who control this World's system. If you partner up with these evil people by voting, then you put yourself in the same category as them. So when people ask "What about Hitler?" They might want to ask themselves why they think they themselves won't be the people in the metaphor of Mathew 7:22.**
(Why do we say Matthew 7:22 is a metaphor?)
Because it's impossible for it to be a literal account because the judgments haven't taken place yet). And even when they do, God does not, I repeat does NOT sentence people to an eternal torment is some hell fire.
You can read more about that here:
In addition to the coming antichrist, there is also a "beast" system in effect now and a current "image of the beast" in most churches. He's another article you may want to check out:
If elections really mattered and made a difference for the people, they wouldn't let you do it. Now, on to what the Globalists have planned.
WHEN YOU VOTE YOU UNKNOWINGLY GIVE YOUR POWER TO THE "BEAST SYSTEM". Before we get started, let's dispel a popular myth.
That is if you "exercise your right to vote, that will insure your rights and freedoms.
That's about as wrong as it can be.
Remember, the World doesn't work the way most people think it does.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many "GET OUT AND VOTE" campaigns?
That's all you hear every year about this time.
If you don't vote, you are almost shamed...right? Why do you think that is?
Why would the politicians, who are all in it together, be concerned if you vote or not? Voting does NOT preserve your rights.
You already have "inalienable" rights given to you by your Creator. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights is also what is supposed to preserve your rights an an American.
So why is the popular theme to get out and vote?
We'll tell you why. Because when you vote, you actually give away your authority and your rights to the evil and corrupt politicians you are voting for! Think about it!
You really know nothing about these people running for office other than what they tell you on TV. That's right, when you vote, the person you cast your ballot for is under no obligation to do whats in your best interest.
What you have done is given them the authority to the Beast system to do what THEY want to do and not what YOU want them to do!
You voluntarily give up your personal sovereignty and authority to someone who as far as you know could be a pedophile and abuser and believe us, most of them are.
You have said that you no longer are under your own power and authority when you "vote" but have surrendered it to that man or woman who you cast your vote for.
You have in a sense given that person the right and authority to rule over you!
Politicians today are just modern day Sadducees and Pharisees who Yeshua (Jesus) called "Snakes, hypocrites and broods of vipers".
The same concept is true today. When you vote, you essentially give up your rights and freedoms and put it in the hands of someone else.
That's right!
In other words, voting does just the opposite of what you have been conditioned to believe it does. There might be some issues in your local area you may want to get involved in, but forget about it on the National "Presidential" farce.
We are not telling anyone what to do or what not to do, just want to give you food for thought.
Keep in mind, America is not a capitalist system, it is a fascist system where the mega wealthy corporations and the politicians are in bed together.
You need to ask the right questions to get the correct conclusions.
We have all heard that we are spending 450 million dollars a day in the war in Iraq.
But the real question is...WHO IS MAKING THAT MONEY?
You don't have to look too far. It's the defense contractors.
It's corporations like Halliburton and Dyncorp along with the politicians who get kickbacks for starting these illegal wars.
People suffering and dying is profitable to these sociopaths than run these companies.
Our troops are NOT fighting for your freedoms but are fighting for the profits of the defense contractors. Our occupation of Iraq is against our Constitution.
Our occupation in Afghanistan is against our Constitution. Our occupation in Libya is against our Constitution...and the list goes on and on.
The origins of the (divide and conquer), two party system goes back to Rome with the Sadducees and Pharisees. The Sadducees would have been the Democrats (Liberals) of Yeshua' day and the Pharisees... the Republicans (Conservatives).
Today, the Religious right have been fooled and deceived into thinking somehow the Republican ideals are closer to what Christianity is all about than what the Democrats believe.
Lets see what Yeshua had to say about BOTH sides:
Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers!
Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Matthew 16:6 "Be careful," Yeshua said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."Matthew 16:11 How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
Hummmmm, doesn't look like Yeshua thought too highly of either and warned the people against following either party. The same would still hold true today.
We have it on good authority that even to be considered for the office of President you have to be an MK-ULTRA programmer/handler. U.S. presidents all have MK-ULTRA slaves referred to a "Presidential Models".
Also be aware that most Occultists in this position are heavily involved in the ritual partaking of Adrenochrome.
"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."
Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22
In case you didn't know, in 1986 it was Ronald Reagan who signed into law that vaccine companies can't be held liable for any injury or death caused by vaccines.
He basically sold your children down the river and instead of protecting them from potentially deadly vaccines, protected big Pharma.
Occultists like this have throughout history sold out children and sacrificed them to one of their many gods like Bohemian Grove and Egyptian god Moloch.
Remember, all these people including U.S. Presidents are all heavily involved in the occult and Babylonian mystery religions.
Just like scripture says in Matthew says in 24:5: "For many will come in my name".
Most of these kinds of people that have mainstream Christianity fooled are false prophets pushing the false Jesus as well as followers of the false messiah embracing them.
That includes most if not all of the mega churches, including Joel Osteen.
Donald Trump is a degenerate that has had the religious right bamboozled for four years. For more on this, click here:
The religious right are just followers of the false Christ and mainstream Christianity.
Ronald Reagan is another hero of the worshippers of the false Christ.
Reagan was full on into the Occult and Occult practices like all these people are. He made decisions while in the White House based on Astrology.
The latest creep the Globalists have put in the White House is another pervert....Joe Biden who can't seem to keep his hands off anybody.
Biden is the next man up to do the bidding of the Illuminati and further establish a One World Government.
Billy Graham was a Freemason and spiritual guide to all Freemason U.S. Presidents. Popes and all churches that teach any kind of "eternal torment" are in this group.
Hillary Clinton is considered a Grande Dame in occult circles and as far as occult power goes, she outranks Bill Clinton. She is also a known Lesbian who has taken male hormones which she thinks will put her on a even keel with her "male" competition, pictured here with her most recent lover, Mossad Agent Huma Abedin: (pictured below)
In short, absolutely none of these people who are guiding World events are to be trusted.
Have you ever wondered why most "religious people" are constantly saying "pray for our troops" and none of them are saying "Let's pray for all of the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Kuwaitis and civilians from Afghanistan along with other middle eastern nations that America's troops have slaughtered"? It's because most of America is deceived by the beast system!
"Hummmm, don't see any 'terrorists" here in Afghanistan, but there are miles of these cool poppy flowers though."
This deception pretty much has the entire mainstream "right" fooled and deceived along with most of America in general. Somehow, the BEAST system has fooled most of mainstream Christianity into believing their "Jesus" was somehow an American nationalist or a republican or democrat and that somehow "God, Country, Flag and Military" are all the same thing and are intertwined.
How many times have you seen the below image and then watch people salute it?
We can absolutely guarantee you, that the real Messiah (Yeshua), has nothing to do with the United States "flag", or it's "military", or it's "troops".
Also, don't be naive and think that the troops are "fighting for our freedoms', because even a child using just a little discernment would know that is not why the troops are deployed.
It's a deception from the "Beast" system to make you think going into the Middle East and slaughtering innocent families in Iraq (for oil) and in Afghanistan (for control of the opium drug trade) is somehow all approved by God and is somehow noble and has God's okay on it.
Yeshua said his Kingdom is NOT of this World's evil and corrupt system so don't be fooled into the belief that God is somehow "blessing our troops", because he is not!
It's the Beast system controlled by the spirit of the antichrist that is behind this megalomaniacal inspired deception.
You may be interested in another speech from Mike Prysner again, who was part of this beast system and how he was once deceived into killing innocent people in the middle east. He is now speaking out against the travesties. Remember, the "Beast" system is really what he is exposing in this short video.
Instead of constantly parroting the "God Bless America" mantra, people should really be wondering why God's judgement hasn't taken America down yet for all it's innumerable sins and transgressions. Although we my be starting to see that happen now.
Also, if you want to know if we can prove Yeshua actually is who he said he was and actually rose from the dead, visit:
h1. So there you have it.
The Antichrist or false Christ and his image has been hiding in plain sight for centuries and most people have bought into it without even thinking about it. It is a false image, (the Baphomet image), a false name (Jesus), and false teachings, (eternal torment and burning forever).
There has also been a lot of speculation about who the coming "antichrist" is going to be.
People are still arguing about it being a U.S. President. Let's take a look at the last two American Presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump and see exactly the powers behind all U.S. Presidents.
Barbara Hartwell November 27, 2006 posted by Barbara Hartwell at Thursday, September 18, 2008.
I have heard many people say they do not "believe" in evil. Or, some claim, that in the universe, good and evil must be "balanced".
Some believe that we "create our own reality", which is neither "good" nor "evil", but only serves to teach us "lessons."
They don't believe there are any victims, nor any perpetrators of evil.
No, they actually BLAME THE VICTIMS for any and all evil that is done to them.
They claim we are "responsible" for all that befalls us....after all, they smugly opine, it was only a "life lesson" we needed to learn.
They say we must "take responsibility" for every event in our lives, as it is just part and parcel of our "spiritual evolution".
What's more, we must also have "compassion" for those who treat us wrongfully, no matter how heinous the abuse; we must try to "understand" them...after all, they are our "teachers".
Try selling this crock of perfumed hogswill to the victims of the wreckers, the survivors of family members murdered by the wreckers.
Such utter foolishness is mind boggling; pathological idiocy in its worst form.
And tragically, this false belief system has taken hold among millions of people, most notably those in the New Age movement, a toxic amalgam of fascism, communism, globalist collectivism and what I would call Mickey Mouse Metaphysics.
It has been designed to lead the populace away from individual critical thinking, as well as to stamp out genuine spirit-filled intuition; and ultimately, to sever an individual's personal relationship with the Creator, whence all gifts of the spirit emanate.
Refusing to believe in the existence of evil, it follows that they do not believe certain individuals to be inherently evil, nor the collectives comprised of these individuals, whose sole intent is to do evil.
The deniers of evil, who obviously lack any form of spiritual or intellectual discernment, will thereby claim that the lowest and most despicable of traits, as well as the highest forms of saintliness and goodness, coexist in each and every individual.
That we are ALL "capable" of either extreme.
What they are really saying is that we are all capable of "evil", though they still, in their self-contradictory mindset, deny its existence.
They claim that we are all the same, as if we come into the world straight out of some cookie-cutter mold. How very, very wrong they are. How very, very foolish.
How completely have their minds been co-opted.
Those of us who have directly perceived the forces of evil, who have apprehended evil in its various forms, including as incarnated in the flesh; who have faced it down and stood our ground against it, know beyond any shadow of doubt that evil is a reality, to be ignored, discounted or denied, always at one's own peril.
In such a way does society, the individuals who comprise it, become innured to evil.
By all means, let's roll out the red carpet for evildoers!
"Nurture over nature" proponents (some of whom call themselves "scientists" or "psychologists") ; or those who see each human being as a "tabula rasa" (blank slate) fail to comprehend the most basic truth:
That evildoers are entirely lacking in humanity, that in effect, they have no souls.
Or, that what "souls" they may have are artificial and do not belong to God.
Or, that they have sold their souls in the pursuit of material/flesh/ego-gratification, in the lust for power to be wielded over all God's creation; in their grotesque vanity, to attempt to usurp the very power of God.
As for those who do not recognize evil for what it is, they are doomed to be used by evildoers, who feed on their confusion; their naivete; and their character flaws, exacerbated by indoctrination, and their profound ignorance.
And until such time (if ever) that they learn to recognize evil, they cannot be delivered from that which they refuse to acknowledge.
It is really all that simple, and yet, far too many of these brainwashed individuals fail to see this simple truth and thus fall prey to the machinations of evildoers.
Perhaps I could compare them to lost souls, dejectedly wandering through a seemingly endless dark tunnel. When finally, they glimpse "a light at the end of the tunnel", they believe they have found their way out, that deliverance is near.
Then, in shock and horror, they hear the roar of the approaching train, bearing down on them, its blinding headlights the last thing they will ever see.
Even false light travels faster than sound. Evil can only win through deception, through engendering false perception, false lights.
In conjunction with deception, evil always involves aggression, intrusion, invasion, exploitation and predation, in various forms.
Evil does not respect,nor even acknowledge, the spiritual integrity and personal boundaries of others: the Inviolability of Personhood.
Evil does not respect the sanctity of an individual life, nor the natural rights and liberties bestowed upon that life by God.
Evil is entirely devoid of compassion, empathy, mercy and conscience.
Evil is a voracious black hole whose vortex subsumes all ambient light and consumes the lives, the hopes and dreams of innocents.
Psychopathology is inherent in the nature of evil, at least in human terms.
Those who do evil may be narcissists, sociopaths, callous opportunists.
Call them what you will, are evildoers are criminally insane or is it in their very DNA?
Just know that their abiding creed is to USE, to CONSUME, the more the better; and yet their hunger is inexhaustible, as their negatively-inflated egos can never, ever get enough.
They are psychic vampires who feed off the etheric/spiritual energies of their victims.
They are "social engineers" who get by in the world with oily charm and "situational ethics".
Having no conscience, the very idea of moral absolutes is beyond their ken.
They are liars, thieves, poseurs, mountebanks, merchants of false hope.
The virtues of compassion, mercy, charity, spiritual love and selfless service to others are seen only as weaknesses, weaknesses they can exploit, and which ultimately may become fatal "weaknesses" in their targets and victims.
Lacking all love, light and truth, the evildoers seek to destroy these virtues wherever they may find them, as means and opportunity permit.
In their ceaseless aggression, these diabolical predators intrude, invade, stalk, harass and persecute; they rape, they loot and plunder, all the while bearing false witness against their quarry, often accusing them of the very crimes of which they themselves are guilty as sin.
**Barbara Hartwell November 27, 2006 posted by Barbara Hartwell at Thursday, September 18, 2008**
It is a shocking revelation to know how fallen angels have manipulated and corrupted human DNA and mixed it with their own in the ancient past.
Now, let's look at the possibility that they have done the same thing in the animal kingdom? Remember, eyewitness accounts say the fallen "Watchers" resemble reptiles.
Is it possible that it is really the other way around? Do reptiles resemble the Watchers?
If they have manipulated the DNA code of some of these animals, then there will be some resemblance. It is interesting in the Old Testament when God was instructing his people what animals to eat and what not to eat, the ones that were considered unclean many times resemble aliens.
Unclean animals where owls, big cats, Lizards (reptiles), animals that walk on paws (bears), lions, bats and animals without a split hoof. It's interesting to note that reptiles are predators, have no emotions and have fixed stares in their eyes.
Is it possible that God declared some animals unclean because Satan has tampered with their DNA structures? according to the book of Enoch this definitely has happened.
Is it also possible that psychopaths and demented killers are not just mentally ill, but are actual descendants of the lineage of Cain which was most likely the seed of the serpent?
Granted, much of this is conjecture but it is based on many known facts.
If this is indeed true, it would explain much of what we see happening in the world today and it would explain the evils we see on a daily basis.
In the end, we will leave it up to the reader to decide.
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