Sunday, December 4, 2016



Before we start, let us take you to a 60 minutes report on this missing airline and show you what DIDN'T happen. This is why you can't trust the mainstream media to tell you the truth about anything:


The missing Malaysian jet has illuminati false flag written all over it. In this report, we'll not only look at WHAT most likely happened, but WHY and WHERE did it go as well. 


To start with, let's tale a look at that satanic number 11 that keeps popping up over and over again. There were 227 passengers on board. 2+2+7=11. The missing flight is a Boeing 777 (multiples of 11). The jet lost contact about 40 minutes into the flight from Kuala Lumpur,(11 letters) to Beijing on March 8th, (03/08) = 11. 

The missing airliner has striking similarities to the events of 9/11 which we know was an inside job carried out by the Illuminati. 

Here's what we know:

1. Transponder signals disappear

2. Jetliners veer off course 

3. Jets vanish just like in 9/11: 

(Pentagon) and ( Shanksville Pennsylvania)

4. Impossible cell phone calls are made: To start with, family members of the passengers on the missing jet give testimony of getting "ring tones" when calling their loved ones. 

Also, sites like facebook show the passengers to be "on-line." Then to add to the mystery, the airline reported getting ringtones on the crew's cell phones. 

According to Malaysia Airline spokesman, Hugh Dunleavy, he says his company made attempts to call the cell phones of crew members and they just rang out. 

 Also, 19 families of the missing passengers confirmed that their calls actually connected but that they just "rang out." 

So what does this mean? Well for one, it means that if the phones had ring tones, they then cannot be under water. The phones can only ring if they are "on" and not in water and the battery is charged. And here's the kicker, they will only ring if they are near a mobile cell site. 

What this means is that the plane had to be on land and not at the bottom of any ocean! They also had to be somewhere where there is cell phone service. 

 Which also can't happen if the plane was under water. 

We know the illuminati like to telegraph their punches in advance. 

 Look at this ad from 2011 and tell me if this is just "a coincidence."
More similarities to 9/11 

 The air traffic controllers lost contact with flight 370 about two hours after the plane took off. Just like 9/11, the transponders were mysteriously turned off and the planes continued their flight off the original flight path. But, the crew sent no distress signals. It only takes a few seconds to do that. 

 Then the plane flew hundreds of miles off course, going West instead of North and then just "vanished." --
We know it didn't crash in water, because the cell phones wouldn't have rang out, so it must have landed somewhere where there was cell phone service. 

 Or maybe, the entire operation was a hoax? Planes just don't vanish into thin air. Technology is too sophisticated to allow that to happen. 

 This had to be an operation that was planned from the very beginning. 

Could flight 370 have been hijacked via remote control? Could it be that this plane is just a reassembled version of flight 447 (more multiples of 11) that crashed somewhere between Brazil and Paris? 

 If you'll remember Air France Flight 447 (abbreviated AF447) was a scheduled international flight from Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris, France. 

On June 1st, 2009, the Airbus A330-203 airliner serving the flight crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, resulting in the deaths of all 216 passengers and 12 aircrew. 

 The accident was the deadliest in the history of Air France. It was also the Airbus A330's second and deadliest fatal accident, and its first in commercial passenger service. 

While Brazilian Navy authorities were able to remove the first major wreckage and two bodies from the sea within five days of the accident, initial investigation was hampered because the aircraft's black boxes were not recovered from the ocean floor until May 2011, nearly two years later. 
The final report, released at a news conference on 5 July 2012, stated that the aircraft crashed after temporary inconsistencies between the airspeed measurements, likely due to the aircraft's pitot tubes being obstructed by ice crystals caused the autopilot to disconnect, after which the crew reacted incorrectly and ultimately led the aircraft to an aerodynamic stall from which they did not recover.

 Is it possible that these planes are being highjacked by remote control and being reassembled for another false flag attack? Is it also possible that some of these reassembled planes could be some of the same planes used in the 9/11 attacks?
The new airbuses out of France are now almost entirely "fly-by-wire." In the case of flight 447 there were the staged pictures of various pieces floating in the water. 

 These pictures were almost certainly staged because one part was so large, the next wave that hit it would have sunk it.
In the attacks of 9/11, there were 15 cell phone calls from the hijacked planes. One of the people who allegedly received a call was Deena Burnett, who claims her husband called her from his cell phone from flight UA93. The problem is, the plane was flying at too high of altitude and flying to fast to originate from the airline. It was beyond the range of technology in 2001.

 Also, on 9/11 you'll remember the staged calls from Barbara Olsen to her husband, George W. Bush's Solicitor General Ted Olsen that also had to be faked. 

Even the criminal FBI had to admit this. In 2006, they admitted that 13 of the 15 calls on 9/11 never happened. They also concluded that Ted Olsen couldn't possibly have received a phone call from his wife, who allegedly called him from Flight 77, (more multiples of 11). 

 The FBI has recognized other 9/11 cell call impossibilities. For example, according to the FBI, one of the alleged calls from Flight 93 lasted for two hours and six minutes after the supposed crash! Then another lasted 65 (6+5=11) minutes after the official crash time. 

No wonder the FBI has always taken the official position that "Osama Bin Laden was never wanted in connection with 9/11, because there is no hard evidence Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11." That's why Bin Laden was never indicted. 

 The FBI knows 9/11 was an inside job. The people up at the top of the FBI and CIA were all part of the deception. 

Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, a high ranking illuminist managed to lose 3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon's accounts shortly before 9/11. Zakheim's company SPC invented a "flight termination system" designed to allow operators to seize control of aircraft by remote control and fly them from the ground. Many of the key people who developed Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" were on board the 9/11 flights. 

Were they silenced? Or rewarded with money and a new identity given to them in the National Witness Protection Program? 

Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" appears to have been used on 9/11. 
It looks like the same technology was used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. 

Remember, all these false flag events are for the illuminists to establish their New World Order.
h1. Here's a few things you are not being told: The online site Educate Inspire has recently published a story that asks us to look at six facts that the mainstream media is not telling us and it’s not conspiracy. These are reasonable questions that are as of yet to be answered. 

Fact #1

All Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion No explosion from the plane itself can destroy the black box recorders. They are bomb-proof structures that hold digital recordings of cockpit conversations as well as detailed flight data and control surface data. 

Fact #2: 

All black box recorders transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean Yet the black box from this particular incident hasn’t been detected at all. 

That’s why investigators are having such trouble finding it. Normally, they only need to “home in” on the black box transmitter signal. But in this case, the absence of a signal means the black box itself an object designed to survive powerful explosions has either vanished, malfunctioned or been obliterated by some powerful force beyond the worst fears of aircraft design engineers. 

Fact #3: 

Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally buoyant and will float in water In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water. That’s because as you may recall from the safety briefing you’ve learned to ignore “your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device.”

Yes, seat cushions float. So do many other non-metallic aircraft parts. If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort, there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot. The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth. 

Fact #4: 

If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature One theory currently circulating on the ‘net is that a missile brought down the airliner, somehow blasting the aircraft and all its contents to “smithereens” which means very tiny pieces of matter that are undetectable as debris. -- The problem with this theory is that there exists no known ground-to-air or air-to-air missile with such a capability. All known missiles generate tremendous debris when they explode on target. Both the missile and the debris produce very large radar signatures which would be easily visible to both military vessels and air traffic authorities. 

Fact #5: 

The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished. They know the location, elevation and airspeed, three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris. -- Remember: air safety investigators are not stupid people. 

They’ve seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. There is already a substantial data set of airline explosions and crashes from which investigators can make well-educated guesses about where debris should be found. And yet, even armed with all this experience and information, they remain totally baffled on what happened to Flight 370. 

Fact #6: 

If Flight 370 was hijacked, it would not have vanished from radar Hijacking an airplane does not cause it to simply vanish from radar. Even if transponders are disabled on the aircraft, ground radar can still readily track the location of the aircraft using so-called “passive” radar (classic ground-based radar systems that emit a signal and monitor its reflection). 

Thus, the theory that the flight was hijacked makes no sense whatsoever. When planes are hijacked, they do not magically vanish from radar. Unless it was hijacked remotely and that is part of the coverup. This is the only scenario that could make sense here. 


Flight 370 did not explode, it did not crash; it vanished. 

Here is possibly the reason WHY this whitewash took place. 


Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. 

Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. 

 Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) -- Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) -- 

Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) -- 

Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) -- Freescale Semiconductor (20%)

 If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. 

If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. 

That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor. 

Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ?? 

Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale.

Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane:

As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. 

However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. 

Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once the Patent holders are declared deceased!

 The patent that got this online message started is this one, US 008671381, from March 11, 2014:


 ‘Hijacked Flight 370 PASSENGER SENT PHOTO FROM HIDDEN IPHONE Tracing Back to secret U.S. Military Base Diego Garcia’
 Is passenger Phillip Wood and others still alive after flight 370 was hijacked then taken to a secret U.S. military base located on a remote island in the Indian Ocean? 


According to freelance journalist Jim Stone, one of the American passengers, Phillip Wood, a technical storage executive at IBM, who was aboard the now missing Malaysian Airlines flight, keystered his iPhone 5 in his anus after the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people was hijacked by military personnel while on route to China. 

Amazingly, Stone claims that metadata within the photo yields evidence confirming “100 percent” that Phillip Wood sent the photo, along with a brief voice activated text, from GPS coordinates which put Wood only a few miles away from the U.S. controlled Diego Garcia military base which is located on an island south of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. 

In his post Stone claims that the coordinates are off by a few miles, proving that the iPhone actually sent the otherwise blank black picture revealing nothing else. 

Stone speculates the picture was taken in a dark room or in some position in which Wood’s hands were bound. --. As reported by Stone, the picture was posted along with the following text allegedly from Wood: h1. “I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). 

I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. 

My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.” 

Strangely the blank black image labeled “1395192158752.jpg” contains the following metadata:

 Dimensions: 240 x 320

Device Make:

Device Model:

 iPhone 5 Color Space:

 RGB Color Profile:

 sRGB IEC61966-2.1

Focal Length:


Alpha Channel:

 No Red Eye:

 F Number: 2.4

Exposure Program:

 2 Exposure Time:


Stone also points out in detail how the above Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) image data is the “smoking gun”, writing: The Exif is intact. 

Exif data gets embedded in every image by every camera and includes the circumstances under which the photo was taken. 

It can be viewed by saving the image to your desktop, and then right clicking it and selecting image properties. 

Hit the details tab. You can see that the image was taken on March 18 with an iPhone 5, with the ISO at 3200 and a shutter of 1/15. 

The coordinates are included in the exif data because the iPhone knows where it is, and the coordinates are for Diego Garcia. THE FIRST TIME A BLANK PHOTO SAID IT ALL. 

Exif can’t be rewritten with common software, it can only be added to in fields such as image credits with some advanced applications. 

It can be erased as well but NOT CHANGED. 

Photos with the exif intact will hold up in court. 

If the Exif is hacked and this is not real, the CIA or a really good hacker did this, which I doubt, I’d say it’s probably real. 

Another smoking gun is that the voice recognition software put the word personal instead of personnel. This is completely consistent with a blind software assisted dial out. 

Surrounding this story is the fact that the man who managed to get this information to Farganne (forum member Glitch) was harassed and received many threatening voice mails over it, that is another piece of evidence pointing to this as being real. 

One thing is certain, once it’s posted here on this site the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE. 

I cannot stress how important it is that the GPS coordinates in the photo do not perfectly match what Google says and are not posted anywhere on the web, because it proves that the source of those coordinates did not come from google or Wikipedia, they really did come from the imaging device and it HAD TO be at Diego Garcia when it took the photo. 

Interestingly, 7-days ago, on March 24, 2014 at 2:30 AM EDT, it was reported by Intellihub News that flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia, a secret U.S. military base leased from the EU, during the early morning hours of March 8, 2014 after a YouTuber by the name of Montagraph put two-and-two together following other reports. 

An excerpt from the article reads:

"MH370 most likely landed at Diego Garcia and the plane may have been ushered into a massive “Faraday cage” style hangar to avoid passengers from communicating with the outside world.” Surprisingly, this all dovetails with a Malaysian Insider report released on Mar. 18 titled “US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot’s simulator, says paper“, as the pilot of MH370 was found to have had scale simulations of Diego Garcia in his home flight simulator." 

An except from the Malaysian Insider reads: Investigations into the flight simulator taken from the missing pilot’s home showed a software for five practice runways, including one belonging to the United States, Berita Harian reported today. 

“Among the software we checked so far is the Male International Airport in Maldives, three airports in India and Sri Lanka, and one belonging to the US military base in Diego Garcia. All have a runway length of 1,000 metres,” a source told the Malay daily. 

Police seized the flight simulator from pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s house last Saturday before reassembling it at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman, where experts were conducting checks. 

If anyone has anymore information on this matter we urge you contact us at Intellihub News right away. -- Update 2:49 PM EST: The following information was posted as a tip on Steve Quayle’s website: -- h1. Hi Steve, Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. 

I put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it is. Try this: go to: , choose #6, go to the bottom right box and input the info:

-7 18 58.3 LATITUDE h1. 72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE

Click on: SHOW POINT 

Zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. 

Wow. You’ll probably recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.
 Via From 

 There are numerous alternative theories now, all being pushed by either mainstream media or “mainstream alternative media” and all have major problems. 

Diego Garcia remains by far the most highly probable location for flight 370. There are three big reasons why flight 370 most likely ended up there, and a few smaller ones. 

The first big reason is because the Malaysian military plotted flight 370 on radar as it turned around and flew for a full hour in the direction of Diego Garcia until it disappeared from their military radars far sooner than it should have absent jamming. 

All the terrain mapping and flying at 5,000 feet stories are bold faced lies, the last radar blip from this plane happened at 29,500 feet and at that altitude it disappeared from military radars after previously vanishing from civilian radars at 36,000 feet. 
 The terrain mapping stories which are being hatched by either think tanks, liars with a motive or total idiots do not hold water. If this plane was vanished while at altitude there is absolutely nothing to support the low altitude radar evasion stories other than fantasies of having Iran be blamed for what was obviously done by the U.S. air force. 

This plane not only vanished while in clear sight of civilian radars, it vanished a second time while in full sight of military radars, the plane remained within range of military radars for at least a full 300 miles after it vanished from them, and only a phase cancelling electronic warfare platform could have done that.

The second big reason for Diego Garcia to be the destination is the simple fact that it is out in the middle of nowhere and therefore taking the risk of spoofing other nation’s radars would not be necessary after vanishing from Malaysia. 

Diego Garcia is so isolated that it would be the equivalent of running into a 5,000 acre corn field to play hide and seek. If you have ever been into even a small corn field, you know what I mean by this. 

Diego Garcia is so prime for a plane kidnapping that if this obviously kidnapped plane was flown anywhere else, the people in charge of that mission should be facing Court Martial.
The third big reason to take this plane to Diego Garcia is because there is a huge U.S. military base there and the Chinese military engineers could be quickly debriefed and re-flown out. 

Neither they or this 777 are likely to be there now, though some of the other passengers were probably drugged and will be forced to work KP for the rest of their lives in their now permanent new tropical paradise with only concrete visible home. 

Imagine what they would have to say on liberation day if Russia takes the place without killing them as collateral damage. 

Then again, they may not be there because any old abandoned mall or grain elevator will make a great CIA prison.  

What is it with the number 11 anyway? Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. 

They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers.... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. 

It is also the number of the Antichrist because the Bible refers to him as the "11th" horn. 

 Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. -- 

Now, let us review the tremendous instances where the 9/11 attacks occurred by the Power of "11".


**1. The first 11 is formed by the day on which this tragedy occurred, September 11. 

2. The second 11 is formed by adding the 9th month, September, and the date, [1 plus 1], forming another 11. 

3. The third 11 is formed by the airplane number that first crashed into the World Trade Tower. That plane was American Airlines Flight #11.

4. The fourth 11 is formed by the airplane number that crashed into the Pentagon. That plane was United Airlines Flight #77 [11 x 7]. 

5. The fifth 11 is formed by the North Twin Tower of the World Trade Center was 110 stories tall [11 x 10]  

6. The sixth 11 is formed by South Twin Tower, the World Trade Center was 110 stories tall [11 x 10] h1. [NOTE: Girders of these towers were set 22" apart! 11x2; h1. [Construction began in 1966. Not only is this the year in which the Church of Satan was founded, when you add the digits together, they equal another "22", 1+9+6+6 = 22; h1. [The first elevator "skyshaft" was set at the 44th floor, 11x4 h1. [The towers were 1,368 and 1,362 feet respectively. "1,368" when added, equals "18", or a "6+6+6". "1,362" added equals "12", a "6+6", another "11x6"; 

7. The Architecture of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, The Twin Towers formed an 11 as they stood before the attack 

8. The eighth '11' is formed by one of the doomed flights, where the crew totaled '11'. 

9. The ninth '11' is formed by the fact that September 11 is the 254th day of the year. When you add 2 + 5 + 4 you get '11' 

10. The tenth '11' is formed because, after September 11, there are 111 days left in the year. 

11. The eleventh '11' is formed by the historic fact that New York State was the 11th state to join the Union in preparation to create the 13-state confederation that would declare independence from England. 

12. "11 Years To The Day" On September 11, 1990, President George Bush (Sr.) delivered a speech to the Congress entitled, "Moving Toward A New World Order". Precisely 11 years to the day after President Bush delivered this speech praising the New World Order, and declaring it to be an inevitable fact, a mighty blow was struck to move the world finally into this global world system. 

Another of President Bush's infamous quotes also came from this Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, when he said in August, 1990, that "this invasion shall not stand, because it threatens the New World Order." Once the Senior Bush introduced this term to the general public, everyone started using it. Let's listen to Bush here as he admits this very thing: 


13. When President Bush visited New York City on September 16, he was pictured with a firefighter who was wearing a helmet with the numbers, '164', which when added together, form an '11'. h1. 

14. Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11

15. Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11 

16. During the crisis on Tuesday, kids in the area of the Twin Towers were moved to a "safe school" on 11th Street 

17. The only operating ferry was Number 11, on 33rd Street. 

18. George W. Bush..11 letters. 

19. Colin Powell..11 letters. 

20. New York City..11 letters. 

21. President Bush ordered U.S. flags to be flown at half-staff under September 22 [11 x 2]. 

This date means that the flags will fly at half-staff for 11 days after the attacks. Are you starting to get it? ** 

 Remember, they believe their occult power is preserved thru their bloodlines. 

 The satanic bloodlines are 13 in number, (another illuminati power number) counterfeiting God's 12 tribes of Israel which he was to bring his messiah through.

By Joe Monoco



Friday, December 2, 2016



**(NOTE) Don't get sucked into all the lies about these brothers that is being put out now by the government and mainstream media. Remember, at first they wanted us to believe that these brothers hijacked a car and admitted to their victim that they were the bombers. 

Then they wanted us to believe as late as April 21st that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fighting for his life in a hospital. Then on April 22nd, they tell us he has a throat wound and may never be able to talk. 

Now, on April 23rd, he's all the sudden talking and admitting to the crime by telling investigators he read an on-line manual on how to build bombs. 



This is really getting old. 

 The globalists keep doing the same thing over and over. And why should they change? Most of the population never seems to get any smarter and see what is happening to them. 

 Notice how the media has already determined that these two are the ones who did the bombings. 

No trial, no due process...NOTHING but information from "sources" and "officials." They are talking about no one else. The same tactic we saw with Osama Bin Laden after the events of 9/11. 

Some things never change. 

 They want us to believe that one of the suspects, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was one of the brothers that bombed the event with his backpack.....the only problem is, there are pictures of him leaving with his backpack on AFTER the bombing took place. 

Look at this statement from Barack Obama a day after the bombings: 

 President Barack Obama said there are many unanswered questions about the bombing, including whether the Tsarnaev brothers, ethnic Chechens from southern Russia who had been in the U.S. for about a decade and lived in the Boston area, had help from others. 

The president urged people not to "rush judgment about their motivations." I find it interesting he urged people "not to rush to judgment about their motivations." I thought the law says "Innocent until proven guilty"? The president has already decided they are guilty and is now questioning their motivations.....If he really didn't want people to rush to judgement, the real question is 


 Most of the time, the government doesn't want their patsies to go to trial or be able to talk, (see Oswald) so don't be surprised if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev dies before his trial or something happens to where he can't talk.
The news stations are making a big deal out of the fact Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was not given his Miranda warnings. If they don't read him is rights, the investigators have 48 hours to do so. The investigators intentionally did not read him his rights! 

Why? If the government determines you are an "enemy combatant", they are not required to read you your rights....even if you are an American Citizen and guilty of nothing! 


 Remember the "innocent until proven guilty" theme? Without this, who-so-ever the government determines is an "enemy combatant" does not have any rights even before you receive due process. Do you see where they want to go with this? 

WHOEVER does not agree with the government can be labeled as an "enemy combatant" even if you have not been convicted of any crime. 

 So what they are saying is anyone who speaks out against the government, (including this website), can be labeled an enemy and thus has no rights and no protection. 

They are just starting to open up this can of worms here on the "alleged" bomber, that public opinion has already convicted, so that way, people won't think twice about it...that is....until they do this to you and I.
It's too early to know what spin and lie the government will tell us about this event, but you can rest assured both the state and federal government will try to use this tragic event to blame whatever convenient enemies are most advantageous. 

 Authorities in Boston and in Washington D.C., evidently decided to seize this crisis and lock down an entire major American metropolitan city, Boston, Massachusetts. 

 Suffice it to say that this crisis provided a great opportunity to train militarized police forces to lock down a major American city. While this type of military control over a civilian city has never been done before, during World War III, it was in the plans. 

Now, when Antichrist is almost ready to step on the world scene, you can bet, planned terror attacks are going to occur in multiple American cities.

At that time, a good number of cities are going to be locked down tightly within 72 hours. 

This crisis provided an excellent training to further erode our Constitution and establish a police state. (BELOW) The government refuses to answer why the finish line was loaded with special force operatives BEFORE the explosion:
(BELOW) Like these two men with listening devices. One has a backpack on and the other has his off and is holding it. (Ready to drop it?)
Then just before the explosion, you can see one of the men running but he is now WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK!!!!
 There is no doubt, this bombing is a government special operations designed to further erode our constitution and take away the liberties of every American as outlined in the illuminati card game (BELOW).
Here's how the game is played. It's a classic case of "Problem, Reaction, Solution" or "Order out of chaos." The global elite, in their never ending war against citizens of the world, stage a "terror" attack: (the problem). 

 That get's the public to fear the unknown: (the reaction). Since people that are traumatized and fearful are easy to manipulate and control, the illuminati come in with: (the solution). 

 What the global elite want is more and more draconian laws designed to take away your freedoms, enslave you and ultimately to bring in their New World Order. These new laws they enact are disguised as ways to combat "terror" and keep us "safe." But we should know better by would think. 
 Well, for the most part, people don't get any smarter. They don't learn. The fact is, for a nation to attack itself, then blame it on an outside enemy is the oldest trick in the book. When Christianity was starting to gather momentum and challenge the Roman government, Caesar (Nero), burned Rome, blamed it on the Christians, and then fed the Christians to the Lions with the full support of the Roman citizens. Sound familiar? --
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. 

Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done." 

And I am Caesar." -- Julius Caesar 
The patsy business is nothing new. You'll see this same tactic throughout American History. John F. Kennedy's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. 

 Martin Luther King's alleged assassin, James Earl Ray was a patsy. Bobby Kennedy's alleged assassin, Sirhan Sirhan was a manchurian candidate mind controlled patsy. -- 

The same can be said of John Hinckley Jr. who took a shot at Ronald Reagan. Osama Bin Laden was the ultimate patsy. Hopefully, no one reading this article is naive enough to believe that an old man on kidney dialysis could penetrate America's 40 billion dollar defense system with nothing but a cell phone, and a laptop and all from a cave in Afghanistan. 

If you do believe that, stop reading now, unplug your brain further and go sit in front of CNN for the rest of the week.
 Some patsies had the drug, "Scopolamine" administered to them. 

This was also used in creating mind controlled victims in the MK-Ultra programs: Under the influence of scopolamine, a person is unable to form memories or make rational decisions. 

Therefore, if the patsies were administered scopolamine prior to the shooting and told to take the weapons and carry out the attack, he would do so without resistance because he is unable to decide for himself and is highly susceptible to suggestion. 

Devils Breath Devil's Breath (also called scopolamine). 

The drug basically blocks a receptor site in the brain and represses the normal functioning of the hippocampus (responsible for memory encoding) and also acts as a neurotransmitter inhibitor, targeting the acetylcholine transmitter, which controls decision making.
 Notorious government patsies:

(BELOW) John Wilkes Booth/Lee Harvey Oswald: (Abraham Lincoln/John Fitzgerald Kennedy): What people don't know: A jury found John Wilkes Booth guilty as part of a conspiracy. And for that his accomplishes were found guilty and hung. 

In the Kennedy murder, in 1978, the House Assassinations Committee ruled that there was a 96% chance a shot came from the front of Kennedy's limo, thus contradicting the Warren commissions finding that Oswald acted alone.

(BELOW) Sirhan Sirhan: (Robert Francis Kennedy) h1. What people don't know: Is the coroner found that Sirhan Sirhan could NOT have fired the fatal headshot. 

 All the witnesses say that Sirhan did not come any closer to Kennedy than three feet and Kennedy never turned his back toward Sirhan, but the coroner said the fatal shot came from the back, right behind Kennedy's ear, and not more than point blank range, thus ruling out Sirhan and implicating a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar.
 (BELOW) John Hinckley Jr.: (Ronald Reagan) 

 What people don't know: The Hinckley's and the Bush's, yes we mean the George Bush's, not only knew each other, but were oil business partners. As a matter of fact, 

Neil Bush and John Hinckley Junior's father had a scheduled lunch the day of the attempted assassination. That lunch was cancelled and not a word of it was ever said about that, nor was the fact that these families knew each other was ever exposed to the American people. 

Interesting that Hinckley never had a trial to where this truth might come out, but was sent right to an insane asylum.
James Earl Ray ( Martin Luther King): What people don't know: In 1999 there was a civil trial that ruled in the King family's favor, proving there was indeed a conspiracy instigated by the American government in Dr. King's murder. 

 It also ruled that a local businessman named Lloyd Jowers was liable in a broader conspiracy as part of King's murder. (Note: Jowers later admitted he gave $100,000 to a local policeman, Lt. Earl Clark, to kill King).
(BELOW) Let's not forget the most recent photoshopped patsy, Adam Lanza: 
(BELOW) This newest tragedy is being worked the same as another patsy, Osama Bin Laden. 

 They wanted us to believe that this is all the equipment you need to bring down all of the United States defense system. When he was allegedly captured and killed, forensics was not called in to examine the body to see if it was really him. 

 Nope, before he could be identified, the troops were ordered to throw him in the ocean. That way, there is no body nor could anyone ever go back to find it. If you want to know more about this government lie, click here: 

(BELOW) If you'll remember, this is the poverty housing Bin Laden was allegedly using while hiding from American forces, (we know he had been dead for at least a decade before he was supposedly caught and killed...but I digress) oversight though....he had no satellite dish.......(DOH!)  
Once "the powers that be" realized that Bin Laden needed a dish to carry out his activities..VOILA', a dish was added: (BELOW)
Now here's more nonsense we are supposed to believe about the newest patsies who allegedly bombed the Boston Marathon with bombs hidden in their backpacks.  
 They are Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev. One became an American citizen last year on Sept. 11. 

 What a coincidence huh? The other was a boxer who once said: “I like the USA.” (So why was he mad?) -- 
 The two known suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon, one killed, one on the loose as of this writing, are brothers of Chechen origin had came to the United States a decade ago, law enforcement officials told NBC News. -- 

The suspect at large Friday was Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, who was born in Kyrgyzstan and became a naturalized American citizen on Sept. 11, 2012, according to documents obtained by NBC News. Authorities were hunting him door-to-door in the Boston suburbs, and ordered an unconstitutional lockdown that paralyzed a region of more than 1 million people for most of the day. --  
 Generally, the global elite don't like their patsies captured but that may change with this latest incident. Remember, this is ultimately about disarming America's citizens. 

Generally, the illuminists don't want their patsies to go to trial and take the chance the world will see they had nothing to do with the bombings. 
But since this is about eroding our 4th and 2nd amendments, that may not be the case here. There may be a kangaroo court trial like in the Washington D.C. sniper killings. --  
 (NBC NEWS, APRIL 19) "Boston and its suburbs, universities and transit system were on total lockdown Friday as police hunted door to door for marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the loose after his accomplice brother was killed in a stunning chain of events that left one cop dead and another injured, officials said. -- 

During a desperate effort to flee after their photos were released by the FBI, the brothers carjacked a Mercedes SUV and told the driver they were the men behind Monday's double blast attack at the race and had just killed a campus security officer, a source told NBC News. 

The driver was released unhurt. The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed after a wild chase and firefight, but Dzhokhar was still at large in a densely populated area, and an associate was being sought. Adding to the nightmare, an explosive was found in Boston Friday morning and disabled, an official said." --
 Not only are we supposed to believe these two patsies are dumb enough to stick around the Boston area all week, but they also expect us to believe that they carjacked an SUV and told the driver they were guilty of the bombings!? 

And the story just gets better from here. "The brothers then carjacked a Mercedes SUV, holding the driver captive for a half-hour while they tried to use his cash card to get money from three ATM's, a source said. At the first, they put in the wrong number; at the second, they took out $800 and at the third, they were told they had exceeded the withdrawal limit, the source said." 

Now, the "officials" need the patsies to leave a paper trail. So now they apparently need money, so they go to three ATM machines so they can conveniently leave their photos on the ATM cameras. 

 By the way, most ATMs won't give you more than $300, But this one, for some reason gave out $800...  
 (NBC NEWS, APRIL 19) Boston and its suburbs, universities and transit system were on total lockdown Friday as police hunted door to door for marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, on the loose after his accomplice brother was killed in a stunning chain of events that left one cop dead and another injured, officials said. 

Oh, now it looks like police killed one the the "suspects." No use in having two patsies walking around. also in a move right out of Nazi Germany, the police completely violate the 4th amendment as they put the entire city of Boston on lockdown while they search door to door for the "suspect." That's exactly what the Nazi's did. 

Arrest everyone in sight and hold them for as long as they needed to, or didn't need to and sort everything out later. That's why our forefathers created the Constitution and Bill of Rights to stop this kind of Police State! 

Let's look at how this bombing really went down and how it took government agents to pull this off. Tony Cartalucci What appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts, can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated. 

 The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb’s location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts. --

 Above Image: An already widely distributed photo showing the contractor-types on the bottom left, just left of where the bomb was placed and detonated. The men are wearing matching, unmarked uniforms, large black bags, and appear to be waiting, separately, and “behind” the rest of the crowd. In the upper left corner, a wooden structure forming one half of a temporary photography “bridge” over the finish line can be seen and serves as a useful reference when establishing the contractor-types’ position in other photos. --
 Above Image: After the explosion, two of the contractors seen by the wall next to the bomb, appear across the street, both using communication equipment. This photo too has been distributed and enlarged many times across the Internet. (click to enlarge) --  
 Above Image: An unmarked SUV with a considerable amount of communication gear on the roof appears, surrounded by identically dressed men. The vehicle parks near the bleachers. (click to enlarge) --
 Above Image: Event staff and contractors both above and below the bleachers begin tearing up the skirting and appear to be looking for something or retrieving something while casualties are still being treated and evacuated across the street. (click to enlarge) --  
 Above Image: What appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls in, with a woman wearing what is clearly the letters F.B.I. on her vest. She talks with two contractors while it appears a third is partially in the truck’s right-hand side. Also note that the area contractors and event staff tore up, is now taped off. (click to enlarge) --
 Above Image: The FBI truck and contractor SUV sit seemingly abandoned, neither the FBI agent, nor the contractors can be seen. What they did, or where they went remains so far, unknown. (click to enlarge) 

 It should be noted, that with the exception of the contractor-types, all other responders at the scene, including the FBI agent, can be clearly identified, from police to the fire department, to medics and even individuals wearing vests with “B.A.A. Physician” written on them. 

It should also be noted that no other uniformed individuals can be seen standing near the bomb site aside from the contractor-types. These men were unidentified, professional contractors apparently augmenting public servants at the Boston Marathon, present before and after the bomb blasts in the direct vicinity of the incident. 

After the blasts, whether it was their intended function or not, they appeared to be searching for something under the bleachers before being joined by what appears to be the FBI bomb squad. The FBI and the city of Boston has so far categorically failed to provide any information on these highly suspicious individuals. 

Suspects' Aunt Gives Blistering Interview and suggests that her nephews were set up Apr. 19, 2013, 2:16 PM.
A Toronto woman who identified herself as the Boston Marathon bombings suspects' aunt suggested to reporters Friday afternoon that her nephews had been set up. "All these pictures are on the computer," Maret Tsarnaeva told reporters in a press conference that was aired by CNN. -- 

"I have to see them. You have to have a motive first, something that would drive you to some actions. They cannot go crazy or mad or sick just for one day. As far as I know, they are fine."  "I don't trust the FBI," she added. "Show me evidence." 

She was asked who she thinks set them up. 

"Whoever needs this," she said, shrugging. "Whoever is looking for those who need to be blamed for these attacks." --
And she has every reason to be suspicious and think her nephews were set up. Read more here: Business Insider 


 At this point, all we can do is be patient and wait for further developments and if we’re very fortunate, more evidence will surface which will help us in determining more of the Illuminati’s involvement in this tragedy. 

Let's remember that even though we are focusing on Illuminati involvement in this tragedy, people have been murdered, maimed and seriously hurt. 

Let's all pray for their speedy recovery and hope this will open people's eyes as to who the real enemy is. 


By Joe Monoco





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